DavydovDenys / rubyGarage

simple todo list

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Task manager

Software Requirements

  • ruby '2.5.3'
  • rails '6.0.2'
  • Node.js
  • Yarn

For run app follow this instructions


git clone https://github.com/Pavel1104/rubyGarage.git
cd rubyGarage
bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
yarn install

Start the App

Excute the following command:

rails s

Follow the link http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.


I'​m a person who passionate about my own productivity. I want to manage my tasks and projects more effectively. I need a simple tool that supports me in controlling my task-flow

Functional Requirements

  • I want to be able to create/​​update/​​delete projects
  • I want to be able to add tasks to my project
  • I want to be able to update/​​delete tasks
  • I want to be able to prioritize tasks into a project
  • I want to be able to choose deadline for my task
  • I want to be able to mark a task as 'done'

Technical requirements

  • 01.​ It should be a WEB application
  • 02.​ For the client side must be used: HTML, CSS (any libs as Twitter Boorstrap, Blueprint ...), JavaScript (any libs as jQuery, Prototype ...)
  • 03.​ For a serverside any languageas Ruby,PHP,Python,JavaScript, C#, Java ...
  • 04.​ It should have a client side and server side validation
  • 05.​ It should look like on screens (see attached file “t​est-task-ruby-courses-view.png”).

Additional requirements

  • It should work like one page WEB application and should use AJAX technology, load and submit data without reloading a page.
  • [] It should have user authentication solution and a user should only have access to their own projects and tasks.
  • [] It should have automated tests for the all functionality

SQL task

Given tables:

  • tasks (id, name, status, project_id)
  • projects (id, name)

Technical requirements

  • get all statuses, not repeating, alphabetically ordered
SELECT DISTINCT tasks.status
FROM tasks
ORDER BY tasks.status ASC
  • get the count of all tasks in each project, order by tasks count descending
SELECT projects.*, COUNT(project_id) AS task_count
FROM projects LEFT JOIN tasks ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
GROUP BY projects.id
ORDER BY task_count DESC
  • get the count of all tasks in each project, order by projects names
SELECT projects.*, COUNT(project_id) AS task_count
FROM projects LEFT JOIN tasks ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
GROUP BY projects.id
ORDER BY projects.name
  • get the tasks for all projects having the name beginning with "N" letter
SELECT tasks.name
FROM tasks
WHERE tasks.name LIKE 'N%'
ORDER by tasks.name
  • get the list of all projects containing the 'a' letter in the middle of the name, and show the tasks count near each project. Mention that there can exist projects without tasks and tasks with project_id = NULL
SELECT projects.*, COUNT(project_id) AS task_count
FROM projects LEFT JOIN tasks ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
WHERE projects.name LIKE '_%r%_'
GROUP BY projects.id
ORDER BY task_count DESC
  • get the list of tasks with duplicate names. Order alphabetically
SELECT tasks.name, COUNT(tasks.name) AS Name_count
FROM tasks
GROUP BY tasks.name
HAVING Name_count > 1
ORDER BY tasks.name ASC


SELECT a.*, Name_count
FROM tasks a
JOIN (SELECT tasks.name, COUNT(tasks.name) AS Name_count
FROM tasks
GROUP BY tasks.name
HAVING count(tasks.name) > 1 ) b
ON a.name = b.name
ORDER BY a.name
  • get list of tasks having several exact matches of both name and status, from the project 'Garage'. Order by matches count
SELECT tasks.name, COUNT(tasks.name) AS task_count
FROM tasks LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
WHERE projects.name = 'Garage'
GROUP BY tasks.name, tasks.status
HAVING task_count > 1
ORDER BY task_count ASC


SELECT a.*, task_count
FROM tasks a
JOIN (SELECT tasks.*, COUNT(tasks.name) AS task_count
FROM tasks LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
WHERE projects.name = 'Garage'
GROUP BY tasks.name, tasks.status
HAVING task_count > 1) b
ON a.name = b.name
AND a.status = b.status
and a.project_id = b.project_id
ORDER BY task_count ASC
  • get the list of project names having more than 10 tasks in status 'completed'. Order by project_id
SELECT projects.*, count(case tasks.status when 'completed' then 1 else null end) AS completed_tasks
FROM projects LEFT JOIN tasks ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
GROUP BY projects.id
HAVING completed_tasks > 10
ORDER BY projects.id ASC


simple todo list


Language:Ruby 55.3%Language:JavaScript 21.3%Language:HTML 13.1%Language:CSS 10.3%