DavidTWynn / async_http_test

Doing some tests with async

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Async HTTP Test

Python version Environment Coding style

Trying to get some basic examples of using an API with async



Download source code

git clone https://github.com/DavidTWynn/async_http_test
cd async_http_test

Create virtual environment

py -3.11 -m venv venv

Upgrade pip

py -m pip install --upgrade pip

Use pip to install the project and dependencies

pip install -e .

Optional: Install dev dependencies to contribute

pip install -e .[dev]


The postgres database is setup with Docker compose. The postgres settings are configured with Docker secrets. These files will need to be created with the value stored for the setting. Create them at the top of the project level.

  • postgres_db.txt
  • postgres_password.txt
  • postgres-user.txt


  • async_http_test/
    • async_http_test.py - Examples for http async requests
    • counter_async.py - sleep examples of sync and async
  • Dockerfile - Settings to create a Docker image for the project
  • .vscode/settings.json - MS VSCode IDE workspace settings for linting, formatting, etc. tests/ - pytest unit tests
  • .gitignore - Files to not track by git
  • .pre-commit-config.yaml - pre-commit hooks for git. Runs linting before committing
  • google_docstring.mustache - Python autodocstring extension template based on Google Python style guide
  • pyproject.toml - Project info, dependencies, and dev dependencies.
  • README.md - Overview of the project
  • .git - git change history files
  • venv - Created on demand for project virtual environment for Python dependencies



Shows how you can use async with sleep vs a sync version

python async_http_test/counter_async.py
Example output
Async executed in 1.00 seconds.
Sync executed in 3.00 seconds.

pre-commit hooks

Linting to be ran before committing

  • black
  • isort
  • flake8
  • bandit

Update pre-commit hooks

If a hook is added to .pre-commit-config.yaml, update the .git/hooks files

pre-commit install

Create Docker image

Using the Dockerfile, a new Docker image can be created locally. This needs to be done in the project directory.

Make sure project is up to date

git pull

Create image

docker build -t async_http_test .

Verify image

docker image ls

Run image

docker run -it -d --name async_http_test async_http_test

Verify running container

docker container ls -a

Enter container

docker exec -it async_http_test bash

Run 'exit' from shell when done.

For development, VSCode's "Dev Containers" extension can be used to remote into the container and open the project in the /app directory. The code can be ran normally in the container. When VSCode is connected to the container, the VSCode extensions will then need to be installed for development.

Clean up Docker

When development work is done with Docker, the container can be stopped and the image can be deleted.

Find container name

docker container ls

Name should be under NAMES column for "async_http_test" using that IMAGE

Stop the container

docker container stop async_http_test

Delete the container (Needs to be stopped first)

docker container rm async_http_test

Locate the image (should be 'async_http_test')

docker image ls

Delete the image

docker image rm async_http_test


Doing some tests with async


Language:Python 54.8%Language:Dockerfile 27.8%Language:Mustache 17.4%