DavidBadura / functional-test-helpers

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brainbits Functional Test Helpers

Request Trait

The request trait provides a fluent interface to call your controller actions.

Require the RequestTrait and supply a build() method, which must return a RequestBuilder. It might be useful to put this into an abstract FunctionalTestCase base class.

In your test, call $builder = $this->build('<method>', '<uri>'), which will provide you with a fluent interface for building requests. The request is done when $this->request($builder) is called.

// MyTest.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Request\RequestTrait;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

final class MyTest extends WebTestCase
    use RequestTrait;

    public function testGet(): void
        $response = $this->request(
            $this->build('GET', '/my/endpoint')
        self::assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());

The request builder provides auth functions to help with token and session based logins.

Auth Token

If you want to use the authToken() method, your need to provide a factory method createToken() which creates the token string.

// FunctionalTestCase.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Request\RequestTrait;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

final class MyTokenTest extends WebTestCase
    use RequestTrait;

    protected function createToken(): callable
    	 return static fn (string $user, array $roles = []) => return 'my_secret_token';

    public function testGet(): void
        $response = $this->request(
            $this->build('GET', '/my/endpoint')
        // will send header Authorization: Bearer my_secret_token
        self::assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());

Auth Login

If you want to use the authLogin() method, your need to provide a factory method findUser() which returns the user to be logged in the firewall.

// FunctionalTestCase.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Request\RequestTrait;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

final class MyTokenTest extends WebTestCase
    use RequestTrait;

    protected function findUser(): callable
    	 return static fn (string $user, array $roles = []) => return new User(1, $username);

    public function testGet(): void
        $response = $this->request(
            $this->build('GET', '/my/endpoint')
        // will send login the user "my_user" in the firewall
        self::assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());

Schema Trait

To use the schema helper, provide a SchemaBuilder and a DataBuilder implementation, which will handle schema and data creation, and use it in a custom FunctionalTestCase.

// MySchemaBuilder.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Schema\SchemaBuilder;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;

final class MySchemaBuilder implements SchemaBuilder
    private Schema $schema;

    private function __construct()
        $this->schema = new Schema();

    public static function create(): self
        return new self();

    public function user(): self
        if ($this->schema->hasTable('user')) {
            return $this;

        $table = $this->schema->createTable('user');
        $table->addColumn('id', 'integer');
        $table->addColumn('username', 'string');
        $table->addColumn('email', 'string');
        $table->addColumn('roles', 'string');


        return $this;

    public function getSchema(): Schema
        return $this->schema;
// MyDataBuilder.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Schema\DataBuilder;
use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Schema\SchemaBuilder;

final class MyDataBuilder implements DataBuilder
    private MySchemaBuilder $schemaBuilder;
    /** @var mixed[] */
    private array $data;

    private function __construct(MySchemaBuilder $schemaBuilder)
        $this->schemaBuilder = $schemaBuilder;
        $this->data = [];

    public static function create(SchemaBuilder $schemaBuilder): self
        return new self($schemaBuilder);

     * @param mixed[] $roles
    public function user(int $id, string $username, string $email, array $roles = []): self

        $this->data['user'][] = [
            'id' => $id,
            'username' => $username,
            'email' => $email,
            'roles' => $roles ? serialize($roles) : '',

        return $this;

     * @return mixed[]
    public function getData(): array
        return $this->data;
// FunctionalTestCase.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Schema\SchemaTrait;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

abstract class FunctionalTestCase extends WebTestCase
    use SchemaTrait;

    final protected function setUp(): void

        $schemaBuilder = MySchemaBuilder::create();
        $dataBuilder = MyDataBuilder::create($schemaBuilder);

            function ($data): void {

    abstract protected function buildData(MyDataBuilder $data): void;

In your test, implement the buildData() method. The database and test data will be created before each test.

// MyTest.php

final class MyTest extends FunctionalTestCase
    public function testGet(): void
        $response = $this->request(
            $this->build('GET', '/my/endpoint')
        self::assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    protected function buildData(MyDataBuilder $data): void
        $data->user(1, 'foo', 'foo@baz.com', ['ROLE_USER']);
        $data->user(1, 'bar', 'bar@baz.com', ['ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN']);

HTTP Client Trait

To use the mock http client, configure the MockRequestBuilderCollection as mock_response_factory in the framework configuration section.

Example symfony config:

# config/packages/http_client.yaml
                - '@Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\HttpClientMock\SymfonyMockResponseFactory'

        Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\HttpClientMock\SymfonyMockResponseFactory: ~
# config/packages/framework.yaml
        test: true
            mock_response_factory: 'Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\HttpClientMock\MockRequestBuilderCollection'

In your test, you can provide mock responses, which will be matched by the given mock requests.

// MyTest.php

public function testRequest(): void
    $this->mockRequest('GET', '')
    // ...


Snapshot Trait

To use snapshot tests, use the SnapshotTrait in your test class.

Optionally modify the default path of the __snapshot__ directories appropriate to your PSR-4 autoload configuration in composer.json by overwriting the snapshotPath() method.

// FunctionalTestCase.php

use Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Snapshot\SnapshotTrait;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

abstract class FunctionalTestCase extends WebTestCase
    use SnapshotTrait;

     * Overwrite Snapshot::snapshotPath() to locate __snapshot__ directory next to the test classes.
    private function snapshotPath(): string
        // parent directory is the base path of all tests    
        $basePath = dirname(__DIR__);

        // convert namespace to path
        $path = preg_replace('/\\\\[^\\\\]+$/', '', static::class);
        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
        // strip 'App/Tests' from path
        $path = substr($path, strlen('App/Tests/'));

        return $basePath . '/' . $path;

Call assertions to verify snapshot. The snapshot file is created automatically on the first run.

public function testJsonFactoryCreatesJsonCorrectly()
    $jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();

    $json = $jsonFactory->createJson();


To recreate/update snapshot files run PHPUnit with the environment variable UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS.

Snapshot Assertions

  • Array assertMatchesArraySnapshot()
  • JSON assertMatchesJsonSnapshot()
  • XML assertMatchesXmlSnapshot()
UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=1 phpunit tests/Functinoal/MyTest.php



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