David-Griffiths / laravel-livewire-tables

A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire

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A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire

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This package is currently in development and the source is constantly changing, use at your own risk.

A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for data tables.

This plugin assumes you already have Laravel Livewire installed and configured in your project.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables


Creating Tables

To create a table component you can start with the below stub:


namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Rappasoft\LivewireTables\Http\Livewire\Column;
use Rappasoft\LivewireTables\Http\Livewire\TableComponent;

class UsersTable extends TableComponent

    public function query() : Builder
        return User::with('role')

    public function columns() : array
        return [
            Column::make('E-mail', 'email')
            Column::make('Role', 'role.name')
            Column::make('Permissions', 'permissions_count')

Your component must implement two methods:

 * This defines the start of the query, usually Model::query() but can also eagar load relationships and counts.
public function query() : Builder;

 * This defines the columns of the table, they don't necessarily have to map to columns on the table.
public function columns() : array;

Rendering the Table

Place the following where you want the table to appear.

Laravel 6.x:


Laravel 7.x:

<livewire:users-table />

Obviously replace users-table with your component name.

Defining Columns

You can define the columns of your table with the column class:

Column::make('Name', 'column_name')

The first parameter is the name of the table header. The second parameter is the name of the table column. You can leave blank and the lowercase snake_case version will be used by default.

Here are a list of the column method you can chain to build your columns:

 * This column is searchable, with no callback it will search the column by name or by the supplied relationship, using a callback overrides the default searching functionality.
public function searchable(callable $callable = null) : self;

 * This column is sortable, with no callback it will sort the column by name and sort order defined on the components $sortDirection variable
public function sortable(callable $callable = null) : self;

 * The columns output will be put through {!! !!} instead of {{ }}.
public function unescaped() : self;

 * The columns output will be put through the Laravel HtmlString class.
public function html() : self;

 * This column will not look on the table for the column name, it will look on the model for the given attribute. Useful for custom attributes like getFullNameAttribute: Column::make('Full Name', 'full_name')->customAttribute()
public function customAttribute() : self;

 * This view will be used for the column, can still be used with sortable and searchable.
public function view($view) : self;


You can override any of these in your table component:


Property Default Usage
$tableHeaderEnabled true Whether or not to display the table header
$tableFooterEnabled false Whether or not to display the table footer
$tableClass table table-striped The class to set on the table
$tableHeaderClass none The class to set on the thead of the table
$tableFooterClass none The class to set on the tfoot of the table
$responsive table-responsive Tables wrapping div class


Property Default Usage
$searchEnabled true Whether or not searching is enabled
$searchDebounce 350 Amount of time in ms to wait to send the search query and refresh the table
$disableSearchOnLoading true Whether or not to disable the search bar when it is searching/loading new data
$search none The initial search string
$searchLabel Search... The placeholder for the search box
$noResultsMessage There are no results to display for this query. The message to display when there are no results


Property Default Usage
$sortField id The initial field to be sorting by
$sortDirection asc The initial direction to sort


Property Default Usage
$paginationEnabled true Displays per page and pagination links
$perPageOptions [10, 25, 50] The options to limit the amount of results per page
$perPage 25 Amount of items to show per page
$perPageLabel Per Page The label for the per page filter


Property Default Usage
$loadingIndicator false Whether or not to show a loading indicator when searching
$loadingMessage Loading... The loading message that gets displayed


Property Default Usage
$offlineIndicator true Whether or not to display an offline message when there is no connection
$offlineMessage You are not currently connected to the internet. The message to display when offline


Property Default Usage
$checkbox false Whether or not checkboxes are enabled
$checkboxLocation left The side to put the checkboxes on
$checkboxAttribute id The model attribute to bind to the checkbox array
$checkboxAll false Whether or not all checkboxes are currently selected
$checkboxValues [] The currently selected values of the checkboxes


Property Default Usage
$wrapperClass none The classes applied to the wrapper div
$refresh false Whether or not to refresh the table at a certain interval. false = off, If it's an integer it will be treated as milliseconds (2000 = refresh every 2 seconds), If it's a string it will call that function every 5 seconds.

Table Methods

 * Used to set a class on a table header based on the column attribute
public function setTableHeadClass($attribute) : ?string;

 * Used to set a ID on a table header based on the column attribute
public function setTableHeadId($attribute) : ?string;

 * Used to set any attributes on a table header based on the column attribute
 * ['name' => 'my-custom-name', 'data-key' => 'my-custom-key']
public function setTableHeadAttributes($attribute) : array;

 * Used to set a class on a table row
 * You have the entre model of the row to work with
public function setTableRowClass($model) : ?string;

 * Used to set a ID on a table row
 * You have the entre model of the row to work with
public function setTableRowId($model) : ?string;

 * Used to set any attribute on a table row
 * You have the entre model of the row to work with
 * ['name' => 'my-custom-name', 'data-key' => 'my-custom-key']
public function setTableRowAttributes($model) : array;

 * Used to set the class of a table cell based on the column and the value of the cell
public function setTableDataClass($attribute, $value) : ?string;

 * Used to set the ID of a table cell based on the column and the value of the cell
public function setTableDataId($attribute, $value) : ?string;

 * Used to set any attributes of a table cell based on the column and the value of the cell
 * ['name' => 'my-custom-name', 'data-key' => 'my-custom-key']
public function setTableDataAttributes($attribute, $value) : array;

Inspiration From:


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email rappa819@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 71.3%Language:HTML 28.7%