DaveSenn / AspNetPerfTest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

To Do List App

A simple Todo List app with multiple backends.

Each backend supports basic CRUD and enables permissive CORS for easy local dev. The frontend is independent of the backend used as long as it implements the correct API. The tests are also independent of the backend used - so adding and validating a new backend is easy.


Javascript/Markup - React fe_javascript_react (run with npm start)


C# - Dotnet Core/Kestrel - be_csharp_dotnet_core (dotnet run or dotnet build --configuration Release;dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp[version]/TodoList.dll)

F# - Dotnet Core/Kestrel - be_fsharp_dotnet_core (dotnet run or dotnet build --configuration Release;dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp[version]/TodoList.dll)

F# - Giraffe/Dotnet Core/Kestrel - be_fsharp_giraffe (dotnet run or dotnet build --configuration Release;dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp[version]/TodoList.dll)

Go - Atreugo (Fasthttp) - be_go_atreugo (go run server.go or go build;./todolist)

Javascript - Fastify be_javascript_fastify (npm install; node server.js)

Kotlin - Jooby (Kooby) be_kotlin_jooby (gradle build; java -Xms100m -Xmx500m -jar build/libs/TodoList-0.0.1.jar)

Kotlin - Ktor be_kotlin_ktor (gradle build; java -Xms100m -Xmx500m -jar build/libs/TodoList-0.0.1.jar)

Python - Sanic be_python_sanic (pip install -r requirements.txt; python server.py)

Python - Falcon be_python_falcon (pip install -r requirements.txt;gunicorn --workers=8 --worker-class="egg:meinheld#gunicorn_worker" server:app)

Python - FastAPI be_python_fastapi (pip install -r requirements.txt; uvicorn server:app)


Install requirements locally:

Dotnet Core 3.1 or Dotnet 5.0+
Python 3.6+
    Pip 9.0+
Go 1.14+
OpenJDK 14
    Gradle 6.5
Node 10.15+

Setup postgres via docker (in the database directory).

bash setup.sh
bash run.sh
bash stop.sh

Set environment variables for the user/password/host:


If you get a cannot find -lpq error when running cargo.

sudo apt install libpq-dev

Optionally run python initialize_db.py in database/ to create the tasks table. (Or create the table yourself in your preferred manner).

You will need to install the Python headers (apt install python-dev) for the version of python you're running with Falcon.


Start the db (database/run.sh). Pick a backend, run it, then start up the front end and away you go.


While in many cases writing tests within the context of your app makes the most sense, it's interesting to think about writing tests that, like your frontend, are decoupled from your backend. This let's you change up your backend freely and still have some tests in place, whether you are refactoring or doing something drastic like switching frameworks.

In the case of this specific project, I found it wonderful to be able to add a new feature in each language/framework or refactor and have tests ready to go.

Note: You will need to run one of the backends to run these tests.

The test script will setup, run, and teardown the database for you.

Run test.sh as follows:

./test.sh py.test


./test.sh gradle test -p tests/kt_junit/ --info


./test.sh dotnet run --project tests/fs_expecto/fs_expecto.fsproj 


This is just for messing around. I might spruce up the error handling, tests, or add some other backends later on down the road. Or even style the frontend.



Language:Python 22.3%Language:F# 21.2%Language:C# 15.0%Language:JavaScript 13.9%Language:Kotlin 12.3%Language:Go 7.2%Language:HTML 3.7%Language:Shell 3.2%Language:CSS 1.2%Language:PowerShell 0.1%