Datomni / ga4_metrics

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GA4 Metrics dbt Package

What does this dbt package do?

  • Flattens the GA4 events dataset by extracting the event parameter and user property values into their own fields
  • Groups events into sessions and surfaces session properties like session length, first and last host url, refferer host, and visitor source channel
  • Creates standardised metrics to provide an insight into visitor traffic and visitor conversion broken down by source channel
  • Provided an event name marking customer conversions, it creates a mapping indicating whether each session resulted in a conversion

Refer to the table below for a detailed view of final models materialized by default within this package. Sessions

model description
ga4_metrics__events_flattened Flattend GA4 dataset with the event parameter and user property values
ga4_metrics__page_views Page views with url host and referrers added
ga4_metrics__sessions_stitched Unique sessions and the session attributes enhanced with source categories
ga4_metrics__sessions Session identifiers with conversion indicator

Traffic Metrics

model description
ga4_metrics__aggregate_day_tofu Unique number of daily visitors coming from organic, paid, social, referrer, earned media and marketplace sources. Each visitor is counted only once in any given month
ga4_metrics__aggregate_month_to_avg_quarter_tofu Monthly, quaterly and half-yearly average unique visitor numbers
ga4_metrics__aggregate_month_tofu Total number of unique visitors in the last two 30-day periods
ga4_metrics__aggregate_year_tofu Total number of unique visitors in the last two 365-day periods
ga4_metrics__spot_month_tofu Spot value of the unique daily visitors on the last day and the 30/90/180 days prior
ga4_metrics__spot_year_tofu Spot value of the unique daily visitors on the last day and the first day of the current year

Visitor Conversion Metrics

model description
ga4_metrics__aggregate_conversions Unique number of daily converted visitors coming from the range of traffic sources defined by traffic_source_medium_types. Each visitor is counted only once, using the first session they have converted at.
ga4_metrics__aggregate_month_to_avg_quarter_mofu Monthly, quaterly and half-yearly average converted visitor numbers
ga4_metrics__aggregate_month_mofu Total number of converted visitors in the last two 30-day periods
ga4_metrics__aggregate_year_mofu Total number of converted visitors in the last two 365-day periods
ga4_metrics__spot_month_mofu Spot value of the unique daily visitor conversions on the last day and the 30/90/180 days prior
ga4_metrics__spot_year_mofu Spot value of the unique daily visitor conversions on the last day and the first day of the current year

Installation instructions

Step 1: Installing the Package

Include this package in your packages.yml and run dbt deps

  - package: Datomni/ga4_metrics
    version: ">=0.1.0"

(Optional) Step 2: Configure Database and Schema Variables

By default, this package looks for your data in your target database in the analytics schema. If this is not where your data is stored, add the following variables to your dbt_project.yml file:

# dbt_project.yml
config-version: 2

    ga4_schema: analytics
    ga4_database: your_database_name

(Optional) Step 3: Configure Table Names, timezone, conversion event and traffic sources

By default, events are read from the events_* table. If your input table name differs from this, you can configure the table name by adding them to your own dbt_project.yml file.

In addition, you can configure which timezone should events be converted to for counting daily visitors. By default, daily visitors are counted according to the UTC timezone.

Conversion event marks when a visitor/lead becomes/converted to a customer. The value of 1 indicates conversion, while the value 0 marks no conversion. The conversion event defaults to an empty string, marking all sessions as no conversion.

Traffic sources can be configured through the traffic_source_medium_types variable, which accepts a json structure where the key is the traffic source name while the value is an array of traffic source values available in the dataset.

# dbt_project.yml
config-version: 2

    ga4_events_tbl: "events_*"

    timezone: "US/Pacific"

    conversion_event: "free_trial_initiated"
    traffic_source_medium_types: {
        'organic': [ 'organic' ],
        'paid': [ 'cpc', '(none)' ],
        'offline': [ 'offline' ],
        'referral': [ 'referral' ],
        'email': [ 'email' ]

(Optional) Step 4: Change the Build Schema

By default, this package will build all models in your <target_schema> .

This behavior can be tailored to your preference by making use of custom schemas. If you would like to override the current naming conventions, please add the following configuration to your dbt_project.yml file and rename +schema configs:

    +schema: ga4_metrics

  +schema: ga4_metrics

Database support

This package has been tested on BigQuery.
