Status: This project is abandoned. I'm keeping it online because it may still prove to be useful for someone, but I will not address Issues or merge Pull requests.
This is a library implementing Cartesian Genetic Programming in the Go programming language.
go get
Here's an example of using CGP for symbolic regression. We are trying to approximate the function f(x) = x³ - 2x + 10.
import "fmt"
import ""
import "math"
import "math/rand"
// First, we set up our parameters:
options := cgp.CGPOptions{
PopSize: 100, // The population size. One parent, 99 children
NumGenes: 30, // The maximum number of functions in the genome
MutationRate: 0.05, // The mutation rate
NumInputs: 1, // The number of input values
NumOutputs: 1, // The number of output values
MaxArity: 2, // The maximum arity of the functions in the FunctionList
// The function list specifies the functions that are used in the genetic
// program. The first input is always the constant evolved for the function.
options.FunctionList = []cgp.CGPFunction{
func(input []float64) float64 { return input[0] }, // Constant
func(input []float64) float64 { return input[1] }, // Pass through A
func(input []float64) float64 { return input[2] }, // Pass through B
func(input []float64) float64 { return input[1] + input[2] }, // Addition
func(input []float64) float64 { return input[1] - input[2] }, // Subtraction
func(input []float64) float64 { return input[1] * input[2] }, // Multiplication
// Division
func(input []float64) float64 {
if input[2] == 0 {
return 0
return input[1] / input[2]
// This function is used to generate constants for use by the functions in
// the FunctionList. In this case we are using the provided instance of
// rand.Rand to generate a random constant between 0 and 100.
options.RandConst = func(rand *rand.Rand) float64 {
return float64(rand.Intn(101))
// Prepare the testcases.
var testCases = []struct {
in float64
out float64
{0, 10},
{0.5, 9.125},
{1, 9},
{10, 990},
{-5, -105},
{17, 4889},
{3.14, 34.679144},
// The evaluator uses the test cases to grade an individual by setting the
// fitness to the sum of squared errors. The lower the fitness the better the
// individual. Note that the input to the individual is a slice of float64.
options.Evaluator = func(ind cgp.Individual) float64 {
fitness := 0.0
for _, tc := range testCases {
input := []float64{}
output := ind.Run(input)
fitness += math.Pow(tc.out-output[0], 2)
return fitness
// Initialize CGP
gp := cgp.New(options)
// Population[0] is the parent, which is the most fit individual. We
// loop until we've found a perfect solution (fitness 0)
for gp.Population[0].Fitness > 0 {