Darwin1972 / azure-streaminganalytics-SQLdb-PowerBi-Grafana-tutorial

Step by step tutorial Microsoft Azure Streaming Analytics with SQL Database and two dashboards with on-prem Microsoft Power BI and Grafana.

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This tutorial is a simple step by step instruction to reach the following goals:

  • Configure Microsoft Azure Streaming Analytics with Azure SQL
  • Get the data into Microsoft Power BI and Grafana

Please note: This tutorial is only for dev / poc (proof of concept) environment and not for production environment.

Step 1


  • Successful completion of the following tutorial: kafka-mirrormaker-azure-tutorial
  • Power BI Desktop on your on-prem client pc
  • Grafana on your on-prem client pc

Step 2

Create and configure Azure SQL:

Go to your Microsoft Azure subscription.

Create a resource


Select SQL databases / Resource type: Single database.



  • Resource gropu: kafkamirrormaker
  • Database name: myStreamingDB

Server*: Create new

Enter server name (mysqlsever1968), server admin login and password:


Configure database

Chose serverless and data max size 1GB:


Next: Networking >


  • Connectivity method: Public endpoint
  • Allow Azure services and resources to access this server = yes
  • Add current client IP address = yes

Next : Additional settings > 


  • Use existing data: Sample
  • Enable Azure Defender for SQL: Not now

Review + create, Create

Go to resource

Step 3

Create and configure Azure Streaming Analytics:


Enter job name: mysqlstreaming123

Next: Input >

Please make sure you have  tutorial completed the following tutoral: kafka-mirrormaker-azure-tutorial


  • Input type: Event Hub
  • Event Hub namespace: kafkaazure
  • Event Hub name: mymachine
  • Event Hub policy name: Create new
  • Event Hub consumer group: Use existing

Next: Output

Enter username and password from Step 2.


Table: Create new



Enter the following value into the Kafka producer on Ubuntu 20.04:

{"sensor_id": 1,"ltime": 1613204245,"temp": 5.5,"status": 1}

{"sensor_id": 1,"ltime": 1613204245,"temp": 6.5,"status": 1}

{"sensor_id": 1,"ltime": 1613204245,"temp": 7.5,"status": 1}

Start streaming analytics job:


Step 4

Validate streaming analytics job with SQL database query editor:

Query editor

Enter SQL server authentication login and password from Step 2.


Enter the following value into the Kafka producer on Ubuntu 20.04:

{"sensor_id": 1,"ltime": 1613204245,"temp": 5.5,"status": 1}

{"sensor_id": 1,"ltime": 1614448017,"temp": 6.5,"status": 1}

{"sensor_id": 1,"ltime": 1614448093,"temp": 7.5,"status": 1}

Then run the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[mymachine];

You should see the following results:

Step 5

Get the data into Microsoft Power BI:

Go to Overview:

Copy the server name: mysqlsever1968.database.windows.net for later use.

Start Power BI Desktop on your on-prem client pc.  

Get data and choose "More.."

Select Azure / Azure SQL database:


Enter server name: mysqlsever1968.database.windows.net


Select Database and enter user name (server admin login) and password from Step 2.


Expand the myStreamingDB and select mymachine table.. 


Select Data:

Step 6

Get the data into Grafana:

Login to Grafana and choose configuration / data sources:

Search for Microsoft SQL Server:



  • Name: AzureDB
  • Host: mysqlsever1968.database.windows.net
  • Database: myStreamingDB
  • User and password
  • Encrypt: true

Save & Test

Select create / dashboard:

Add new panel

Select table as the visualization.

Enter the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[mymachine] and change format as table:



Save dashboard:


Step by step tutorial Microsoft Azure Streaming Analytics with SQL Database and two dashboards with on-prem Microsoft Power BI and Grafana.