DarthNihilus / pushproxy

A man-in-the-middle proxy for iOS and OS X device push connections

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PushProxy is a man-in-the-middle proxy for iOS and OS X Push Notifications. It decodes the push protocol and outputs messages in a readable form. It also provides APIs for handling messages and sending push notifications directly to devices without sending them via Apple's infrastructure.

For a reference on the push protocol, see doc/apple-push-protocol-ios5-lion.md. iOS4 and earlier used another version of the protocol, described in doc/apple-push-protocol-ios4.md. This proxy only supports the iOS5 protocol.

I tested only using jailbroken iOS devices, but it may be possible to use a push certificate from a jailbroken device and use it to connect a non-jailbroken device to Apple's servers. At least some apps using push notifications will be confused if you do this, but I think this was a way for hacktivated iPhones to get a push certificate.


[InterceptServer,3221,] SSLInfoCallback: Device connected: B481816D-4650-49EA-977C-9FCBDEB30CB1
[InterceptServer,3221,] connectToServer:
[InterceptServer,3221,] Starting factory <icl0ud.push.intercept.InterceptClientFactory instance at 0x2ff15a8>
[InterceptServer,3221,] >>>
[InterceptServer,3221,] <None APSConnect type: 7 fields:
        {   'pushToken': '4b5543c35b48429bbe770a8af11457f39374bd4e43e94adaa86bd979c50bdb05',
            'unknownByte': '\x01'}>
[InterceptServer,3221,] updatePushToken: device B481816D-4650-49EA-977C-9FCBDEB30CB1: push token: 4b5543c35b48429bbe770a8af11457f39374bd4e43e94adaa86bd979c50bdb05 new: False
[InterceptClient,client] <<<
[InterceptClient,client] <None APSConnectResponse type: 8 fields:
        {   'pushToken': None,
            'status': '\x00',
            'unknownField1': None,
            'unknownField2': '\x10\x00',
            'unknownField3': '\x00\x02'}>
[InterceptServer,3221,] >>>
[InterceptServer,3221,] <None APSTopics type: 9 fields:
        {   'disabledTopics': [   '8ef2ada7ec87dbb96f12d01c8bcae66218f2c7f2',
            'enabledTopics': [   '3514994361d84746222445d2deeab3440b22b5d6',
            'pushToken': None}>
[InterceptServer,3221,] >>>
[InterceptServer,3221,] <None APSKeepAlive type: c fields:
        {   'carrier': '31038',
            'hardwareVersion': 'iPhone4,1',
            'keepAliveInterval': '10',
            'softwareBuild': '9B206',
            'softwareVersion': '5.1.1'}>
[InterceptClient,client] <<<
[InterceptClient,client] <None APSKeepAliveResponse type: d fields:
[InterceptClient,client] <<<
[InterceptClient,client] <None APSNotification type: a fields:
        {   'expires': datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 59, 59),
            'payload': '{"aps":{"alert":"Eilmeldung\\nPortugal steht im EM-Halbfinale","sound":"gong.caf"}}',
            'recipientPushToken': '4b5543c35b48429bbe770a8af11457f39374bd4e43e94adaa86bd979c50bdb05',
            'responseToken': '\x00\x00\x00\x00',
            'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2012, 6, 21, 22, 43, 12, 23465),
            'topic': '0e3aae221b033cdc667259a5911659acecf9f9ad',
            'topic_description': None,
            'unknownString4': '\x00'}>
[InterceptServer,3222,] >>>
[InterceptServer,3222,] <None APSNotificationResponse type: b fields:
        {   'responseToken': '\x00\x00\x00\x00', 'status': '\x00'}>


The proxy is written in Python, I recommend setting up a virtualenv and installing the requirements:

pip install -r src/requirements.txt

Setting up PushProxy requires redirecting push connections to your server and setting up X.509 certificates for SSL authentication.

The push protocol uses SSL for client and server authentication. You need to extract the device certificate and give it to the proxy so it can authenticate itself as device against Apple. You also need to make the device trust your proxy since you are impersonating Apple's servers.

Server certificate

Note: This certificate creation only works for WiFi connections, see below if you want the proxy to work via 3G.

You need to create a SSL server certificate and install it on your device. It's common name should be:


Then place the certificate in PEM encoding at the following path:


You can install the certificate on iOS devices via Safari or iPhone Configuration Utility.

On OS X you can use keychain access to install the certificate, make sure to install it in the System keychain, not your login keychain. Mark it as trusted, Keychain Access should then display it as 'marked as trusted for all users'.

Extract iOS Certificates

First, download the nimble tool, extract PushFix.zip and place nimble into setup/ios. The following script will copy the tool to your iOS device, run it and copy the extracted certificates back to your computer. It assumes you have SSH running on your device. I recommend setting up key-based authentication, otherwise you will be typing your password a few times.

Make sure you are in the pushproxy root directory, otherwise the script will fail.

cd pushproxy
setup/ios/extract-and-convert-certs.sh root@<device hostname>

You can find the extracted certificates in certs/device. Both public and private key are in one PEM-file.

Extract OS X Certificates

Note: If you want to connect at least one device via a patched push daemon, you need to patch the push daemon on OS X first.

OS X stores the certificates in a keychain in /Library/Keychains, either in applepushserviced.keychain or in apsd.keychain.

This step extracts the push private key and certificate from the keychain. It stores them in certs/device/<UUID>.pem

setup/osx/extract_certificate.py -f

You can remove the -f parameter to get key and certificate on stdout instead of writing them to a file.

DNS redirect(WiFi only)

The simplest way for redirecting a jailbroken iOS device or a Mac is modifying the /etc/hosts file. The following command will generate a hosts file for you. It may generate a few entries too much, but that shouldn't hurt.

python setup/generate-hosts-file.py <server ip> > hosts

You obviously need to copy the generated hosts file to your device.

Make sure your device doesn't have network access via a phone network. In this case iOS ignores the /etc/hosts file and uses your carrier's DNS instead. Disabling mobile data should do the trick.

Redirect via push daemon patch(WiFi+3G)

This method modifies the push daemons(apsd on iOS, applepushserviced on OS X) and replaces the string push.apple.com with a 14-character domain name of your choice.

Preparation: DNS Setup

You need two DNS entries, one wildcard A-record and a TXT record.

First, you have to choose a domain name. It must be exactly 14 characters long like push.apple.com, so e.g. ps.example.com would work. (You could probably also use a shorter name and fill the remaining space with zero-bytes, but I haven't tried that).

The first DNS entry should be a wildcard A-record pointing to your servers IP, like *.ps.example.com.

An additional TXT record is used probably for determining the number of push domains the devices choose from. I set it to the same value 50 push.apple.com uses, but another one might also work. The content of this TXT record should look like "count=50".

You can verify your DNS setup using dig, it should show a similar answer for your server like it does for Apple's:

dig -t TXT push.apple.com

iOS apsd patch

This step assumes you have a codesign certificate in your keychain named iPhone Developer, if you prefer another name you can change patch-apsd.sh. You also need ldid on your iOS device, I'm not sure whether it comes with Cydia by default.

cd pushproxy
setup/ios/patch-apsd.sh <device hostname> <14-char DNS entry>

You can find instructions on how to do this manually in doc/howto-patch-apsd.md

OS X applepushserviced patch

Like the iOS patch step, this step assumes there is a codesign certificate in your keychain named iPhone Developer.

cd pushproxy
setup/osx/patch-applepushserviced <14-char DNS entry>

This modifies /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/applepushserviced and place a backup in the same directory named applepushserviced.orig.

After a restart the applepushserviced would request a new certificate from Apple since the binary has a new signature, so Keychain doesn't allow it to access the old certificate. So just do the 'Extract OS X Certificates' step which includes a restart anyway.


cd src

This should be enough for most cases, if you want it to run as daemon and write output to a logfile in data/, create an empty file in src:

touch production

If you want to change some configuration, just edit `pushserver.py.


Send notifications

PushProxy offers a Twisted Perspective Broker API for sending push notification directly to connected devices. It has the following signature:

remote_sendNotification(self, pushToken, topic, payload)

It doesn't implement the store part of the store-and-forward architecture Apple's push notifiction system implements, so notifications sent via this API for will be lost for offline devices.

See src/icl0ud/push/notification_sender.py for the implementation.

Message handler

You can subclass icl0ud.push.dispatch.BaseHandler, look at dispatch.py, pushtoken_handler.py and notification_sender.py in src/icl0ud/push.

Handlers can be configured in src/pushserver.py


Apple provides a document on debugging push connections. Especially useful are their instructions on how to enable debug logging on iOS and OS X. You can find the download link to the configuration file for iOS in the upper right corner of the page.


  • Michael Frister
  • Martin Kreichgauer


  • Matt Johnston for writing extractkeychain that is used for deriving the master key and decrypting keys from the OS X keychain
  • Vladimir "Farcaller" Pouzanov for writing python-bplist which is included and helps extracting the push private key from the OS X keychain



A man-in-the-middle proxy for iOS and OS X device push connections