Darshan01 / flows_pseudoaxions

Application of normalizing flows to BSM physics

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Current Bugs/Issues/"Features"

  • networks with multiple layers are not being saved or loaded correctly. They don't get evaluated correctly at the very least.
  • The checkpointing callback does not save exactly at the epoch interval desired. I think this is likely a rounding issue as it looks to save based on the n-th batch, not the n-th epoch. So dividing total data size by batchsize produces yields an extra training step in the epoch to finish the last batch/cover the remainder. The math for the saving frequency for ckpt does not take this into account. Perhaps find a way to align checkpointing with epochs, though this is more an aesthetic/meta-accuracy thing than critical to the model's success.

Goals of Flows-Enriched Data Generation for High-Energy EXperiment (FEDHEX)

Given a sparse collection of event distributions in an N-dimensional parameter space, we want to interpolate between the given distributions to generate new distributions

For example, a hypothetical interaction between two particles, yielding a scalar $\Phi$ and pseudoaxion (pseudoscalar) $\omega$, can be modelled as such.

Sparse grid of distributions between which our framework can estimate an intermediate distribution by interpolating the features of nearby distributions.

We wish to get the accuracy to within ~1% of MCMC-generated data.

Getting Started

Create a new environment using (ana/mini)conda package manager:

conda create -n flows3.10 --file requirements.txt

Check out some tutorial notebooks: tut_gaus.ipynb and tut_root.ipynb

Loading Training Data

Use the class RootLoader to load data from Numpy or .ROOT files.

import fedhex as fx
rl = fx.RootLoader(root_path)
samples, labels = rl.load()

Generating Training Data

Use the class Generator to generate data with a specific generation Strategy (for gaussian generators, these "Strategies" modify the covariance matrix for each generated gaussian)

from fedhex.pretrain.generation import DiagCov, RepeatStrategy
strat = RepeatStrategy(DiagCov(ndim=2, sigma=0.025))
generator = fx.GridGaussGenerator(cov_strat=strat, ndistx=5, ndisty=5)
samples, labels = generator.generate(nsamp=1000)

Preprocessing Data

Use any concrete subclass of DataManager subclass, e.g., RootLoader or GridGaussGenerator to pre-process the data using the preproc() function. The manager must have data loaded/generated to retrieve the network-ready data and conditional data:

data, cond = rl.preproc()

Running An Experiment

Use any concrete subclass of ModelManager, e.g., MADEManager or RNVPManager, to handle all of the model setup and running once all necessary parameters are provided.

Build a model with the given model parameters:

# Create MADEManager instance with all parameters needed to build model
mm = fx.MADEManager(nmade=nmade, ninputs=ninputs, ncinputs=ncinputs,
                    hidden_layers=hidden_layers, hidden_units=hidden_units,

# Build model

Make the callbacks for training:

# Make callbacks
from fedhex.train import Checkpointer, EpochLossHistory, SelectiveProgbarLogger

callbacks = []

save_freq = 50 * batch_size # Save model at checkpoints 50 epochs apart
callbacks.append(Checkpointer(filepath=flow_path, save_freq=save_freq))


log_freq = 10 # Log training losses every 10 epochs
callbacks.append(SelectiveProgbarLogger(1, epoch_interval=log_freq, epoch_end=end_epoch))

Run a model with the given run parameters:

# Run training procedure
mm.train_model(data=data, cond=cond, batch_size=batch_size,
               starting_epoch=starting_epoch, end_epoch=end_epoch,
               path=path, callbacks=callbacks)

Generating New Data

Evaluate the model for specified conditional data:

# Setup sample generation for a known training label
ngen = 500
gen_labels_unique = [0.5, 0.5]
gen_labels = np.repeat([gen_labels_unique], ngen, axis=0)
gen_cond = rl.norm(gen_labels, is_cond=True)

# Generate data for the provided conditional data
gen_data = mm.eval_model(gen_cond)

# Denormalize data using known transformation parameters
gen_samples = rl.denorm(gen_data, is_cond=False)

Look how a model network performs: The training loss of the flow as it trains. Plotted is the loss on the y-axis in log-scale against the epoch at which it was recorded on the x-axis. When the losss becomes negative, its absolute value is plotted.

Performing Analysis

Analysis of training and generated data for the same label. Four plots are shown: the top row showing each distribution individually, the bottom row showing them on the same plot with the same scale and their binned residuals.


Application of normalizing flows to BSM physics

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 83.8%Language:Python 16.2%