DarrenPan / Awesome-NeurIPS2021-Low-Level-Vision

A Collection of Papers and Codes in NeurIPS2021 related to Low-Level Vision

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A Collection of Papers and Codes in NeurIPS2021 related to Low-Level Vision

Related collections for low-level vision


Image Restoration - 图像恢复

Functional Neural Networks for Parametric Image Restoration Problems

Unfolding Taylor's Approximations for Image Restoration

A Trainable Spectral-Spatial Sparse Coding Model for Hyperspectral Image Restoration

Super Resolution - 超分辨率

Image Super Resolution

Uncertainty-Driven Loss for Single Image Super-Resolution

Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Image Super-Resolution

Finding Discriminative Filters for Specific Degradations in Blind Super-Resolution

Spectrum-to-Kernel Translation for Accurate Blind Image Super-Resolution

Implicit Transformer Network for Screen Content Image Continuous Super-Resolution

Spatial-Temporal Super-Resolution of Satellite Imagery via Conditional Pixel Synthesis

Denoising - 去噪

Image Denoising

Adaptive Denoising via GainTuning

Noise2Score: Tweedie’s Approach to Self-Supervised Image Denoising without Clean Images

Learning to Generate Realistic Noisy Images via Pixel-level Noise-aware Adversarial Training

Deblurring - 去模糊

Image Deblurring

Gaussian Kernel Mixture Network for Single Image Defocus Deblurring

Dehazing - 去雾

Learning to dehaze with polarization

Image Compression - 图像压缩

Pragmatic Image Compression for Human-in-the-Loop Decision-Making

Video Compression

Deep Contextual Video Compression

Style Transfer - 风格迁移

Artistic Style Transfer with Internal-external Learning and Contrastive Learning

Image Editing - 图像编辑

EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing

Image Generation/Synthesis / Image-to-Image Translation - 图像生成/合成/转换

CogView: Mastering Text-to-Image Generation via Transformer

ImageBART: Bidirectional Context with Multinomial Diffusion for Autoregressive Image Synthesis

Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Image Synthesis

Image Generation using Continuous Filter Atoms

UFC-BERT: Unifying Multi-Modal Controls for Conditional Image Synthesis

Improving Visual Quality of Image Synthesis by A Token-based Generator with Transformers

Breaking the Dilemma of Medical Image-to-image Translation

Video Generation

CCVS: Context-aware Controllable Video Synthesis


A Collection of Papers and Codes in NeurIPS2021 related to Low-Level Vision