Darkxell / PirateGalaxy-Stash-Finder

A stash finder on Aurora for pirate galaxy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A stash finder on Aurora for pirate galaxy.

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For Pirate Galaxy v1.0

(Version Française en dessous)



This programm is a simple help engine to help you find santa stashes on Aurora. Just Launch the Java File and click on the drone you want to select, then click on the map on your current location, and answer your distance. This will create a circle that represent the possible locations of stashes. With 2 or 3 circles, you will get a point of intersection for all of your scans, this is the stash location. To delete all the circles of a certain color, click the reset button of the wanted color.

You can use this software to help you use multiple drones at the same time, since each drone in the game points to a different stash.

If the programm doesn't launch itself on double click, try to open the .jar file with your java virtual machine (right click > open with > Java). If it still doesn't launch, you probably don't have a new enough version of java (1.6 needed.)

Thank you, Darkxell - Darkxell.mc@gmail.com



Ce programme est simplement destiné a vous aider durant vos recherches de cachettes du père noël sur Aurora. Lancez simplement le fichier Java et cliquez sur une couleur de drone, puis cliquez a l'endroit ou vous êtes sur la map, et renseignez la distance a la cachette. Des cercles vont apparaître, ils indiquent les locations possibles des cachettes. Avec 2 ou 3 cercles, vous allez remarquer un point d'intersection récurrent de tous vos scans, c'est l'emplacement de la cachette.

Si ce programme ne se lance pas correctement, essayez de le lancer avec votre machine Java (Clic droit > ouvrir avec > Java) . Si ça ne marche toujours pas, votre version de java n'est probablement pas a jour (1.6 requis).

Merci, Darkxell - Darkxell.mc@gmail.com

[Copyright disclaimer]

This programm is distributed with the Creative Commons Liscence with the following tags : BY - NC - SA Get a copy at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/fr/


A stash finder on Aurora for pirate galaxy.


Language:Java 100.0%