DarknessFX / IntelNiagara

Niagara Emitter in UE4.25.4 based on Intel GameDev article.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 

       DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX


Niagara Emitter in UE4.25.4 based on Intel GameDev article.

The original Intel GameDev article Unreal Engine* 4 Optimizations for 4.23 and Beyond Part 2: Niagara Particle Systems used UE4.23 Niagara and since then there was lots of changes in Niagara system and structure. This project is an updated version of that FX effect using the current UE4.25.4 version.

Original effect:

This project results:


v1.0 - Released.


@Copyleft all wrongs reserved.

DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX


Niagara Emitter in UE4.25.4 based on Intel GameDev article.

License:The Unlicense