DarkElius / Elius-Virtual-Operator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Elius Virtual Operator


The virtual operator is a software that can execute different tasks independently.

By default it has only two tasks, but the user can implement their own class to execute particular actions.

Task types:

  • DEBUG, used mainly for debugging phase

  • SHELL, used to execute scripts inside a directory set in the evo-shell property file

  • JOB_SCRIPT, used to parse script / daemon log in general, search for a message and execute actions

Requests can be submitted and monitored using http interface.

The software is scalable and can be installed on multiple nodes to better manage high workloads.

This application is powered by Elius WebApp Framework.


When the project is compiled it'll generate a war file

The resources directory can be placed every where in your file system.

It contains:

  • ewa.properties, the framework properties file

  • log4j2.xml, the Apache Log4j2 log configuration file

  • evo.properties, the virtual operator generic properties file

  • evo-shell.properties, the shell type task properties file


To compile this project you need to compile and install the Elius WebApp Framework on your local Maven repository.

When the Elius WebApp Framework will be stable it'll be released on official Maven repository.


This project must be deployed on an application server: I'm currently using Apache Tomcat 10.0.6.


There are two parameters that muset be set at jvm level:

  • ewa.path, set the resource directory complete path i.e.: -Dewa.path=/my-path-name/resources

  • log4j.configurationFile, set the Apache Log4j2 xml complete path i.e.: -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/my-path-name/resources/log4j2.xml

Database connection configuration

This an example of the jdni resource configuration for a in memory database using Apache Derby.

<Resource driverClassName="org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver"

maxIdle="2" maxTotal="10" maxWaitMillis="5"




username="" password=""






To enable the authentication modify the following line in the WEB-INF/web.xml

From /api/evo-DISABLED/

To /api/evo/

Create your own task

To create your own task please follow this steps:

  • Add your task type to TaskType.java

    GAME(3, "Game");

  • Create your package


  • Implements the TaskProcess class in the previous package

    public class GameProcess implements TaskProcess

  • Modify run method inside TaskExecutor class

    case GAME:

    dbTask.updateStatus(task.getUuid(), TaskStatus.RUNNING);

    GameProcess gameProcess = new GameProcess();


    *dbTask.updateResult(task.getUuid(), gameProcess.getTaskStatusResult(), gameProcess.getProcessResult());


Road Map

These are more or less the steps I want to implement in the near future

  • GUI

  • Create a virtual operator option to force the node to work only on specify a task type

  • Evaluate a System Exit method for task extension


Apache 2.0 - https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%