Danziger / StackOverflow-Steroids

⚰️ DEPRECATED - Improved StackOverflow UX and usability!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DEPRECATED - StackOverflow Steroids

DEPRECATED - This Chrome extension / repo is not mainatained any more.

Improved StackOverflow UX and usability!

Download from Chrome Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stackoverflow-steroids/hmpehldkjbnpdhebfangeaoabhphihic

How to introduce new features and improvements

Improve current features (CSS)

  1. In popup.html or using the inspector on the popup of the extension, find the id of the <label> associated to the feature that you want to modify. It will look something like navbar-cb and all of them end in -cb.

  2. Edit steroids.css as desired, but taking care to:

    1. Always prefix new CSS selectors and put them in separated lines. For the previous example, a new selector will look something like body.sos-navbar.sos-another-feature-id #rest-of-your > .selectors.

      There are just a few exceptional selectors that are not prefixed as they introduce very subtle changes.

    2. There are a few comments that group CSS blocks for the same feature, like /* TOP NAVBAR ///...///*/. Try to find the appropriated place for yours or create a new one.

Improve current features (JS)

  1. In popup.html or using the inspector on the popup of the extension, find the id of the <label> associated to the feature that you want to modify. It will look something like scroll-cb and all of them end in -cb.

  2. In content-sript.js there is a function updateInjection() whose first line looks like: chrome.storage.sync.get(["global-cb", ...], function(res) { ... });. There should be an if-else block for the feature you are looking for, for example if(res["scroll-cb"]){ ... } else { ... }.

    1. The if part introduces changes, normally using event listeners, so if you want to edit a current feature you would probably need to check the event listener function.

      You can see that the property is being deleted from the res object in the first line of the if block. This is because this feature only introduces JS code. If it injected CSS too, it should NOT be deleted. Otherwise, the associated CSS would not be applied.

    2. The else part removes those changes, so that if the user disables the associated feature, it won't be necessary to reload the existing pages for them to be disabled.

      In both cases a try-catch block is needed just in case the current feature only affects elements present in some of the pages targeted by the extension.

Introduce new features (CSS)

  1. In popup.html, you should add a new entry in the appropriated place. Just take a look to the current code to see what you need to copy and where to paste it. You can also create a new section if needed. Then, change the id of the <label> associated to the entry that you have created and change its title and description. It will look something like feature-cb and all of them must end in -cb.

  2. Edit steroids.css as desired, but taking care to:

    1. Always prefix new CSS selectors and put them in separated lines. For the previous example, a new selector will look something like body.sos-feature.sos-another-feature-id #rest-of-your > .selectors.

      There are just a few exceptional selectors that are not prefixed as they introduce very subtle changes.

    2. There are a few comments that group CSS blocks for the same feature, like /* TOP NAVBAR ///...///*/. Try to find the appropriated place for yours or create a new one.

Introduce new features (JS)

  1. In popup.html, you should add a new entry in the appropriated place. Just take a look to the current code to see what you need to copy and where to paste it. You can also create a new section if needed. Then, change the id of the <label> associated to the entry that you have created and change its title and description. It will look something like feature-cb and all of them must end in -cb.

  2. In content-sript.js there is a function updateInjection() whose first line looks like: chrome.storage.sync.get(["global-cb", ...], function(res) { ... });. You need to add the id of your new feature in that Array.

  3. Inside the callback, you should add an if-else block for the new feature, for example if(res["feature-cb"]){ ... } else { ... }.

    1. The if part introduces changes, normally using event listeners, so you better create a new function outside the callback and bind the events from here.

      If your feature only introduces JS code, delete your property from the res object in the first line of the if block. If it injected CSS too, it should NOT be deleted. Otherwise, the associated CSS would not be applied.

    2. The else must remove those changes, so that if the user disables the associated feature, it won't be necessary to reload the existing pages for them to be disabled.

      In both cases a try-catch block is needed just in case the current feature only affects elements present in some of the pages targeted by the extension.

Target new pages

To target new pages, a new rule must be added to the matches properties of the manifest (inside content_scripts).


  • Open links in questions and answers in new tabs.
  • Add hidden editor features, as <kbd>Key</kbd> that shows up as Key, in the editor toolbar and in the editor help.
  • Auto-resize editor instead of using scrollbars.
  • Fix the editor toolbar to the top of the page (after the menu if it is fixed-positioned too) when we scroll down to avoid being constantly scrolling up and down if we prefer to use the toolbar instead of the syntax.
  • Make Tab key write 4 spaces and Shift + Tab remove them.


⚰️ DEPRECATED - Improved StackOverflow UX and usability!

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 47.9%Language:JavaScript 42.5%Language:HTML 9.7%