Danyil-SY / goit-web-hw-05

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Currency Exchange Rate Chat Application

This project includes a web-based chat application that allows users to query currency exchange rates from PrivatBank. The application includes a simple client interface and a WebSocket server to handle the requests.


  • Fetch exchange rates for specified currencies and days.
  • View available currencies.
  • Log commands executed in the chat.
  • Display command help on initial load.


  • index.html: The main HTML file for the chat client interface.
  • main.css: CSS file for styling the chat client interface.
  • main.js: JavaScript file for handling WebSocket communication and client-side logic.
  • main.py: Python script for the console utility to fetch exchange rates.
  • server.py: Python script for the WebSocket server to handle chat commands and fetch exchange rates.



  • Python 3.12+
  • aiohttp
  • aiofile
  • aiopath
  • websockets


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/currency-exchange-chat.git
cd currency-exchange-chat
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip install aiohttp aiofile aiopath websockets


Running the WebSocket Server

  1. Start the WebSocket server:

    python server.py

Running the Console Utility

  1. Fetch exchange rates for the last 2 days for EUR and USD:

    python main.py 2 --currencies EUR USD

Running the Chat Client

  1. Open index.html in your web browser.

  2. The help section will display the available commands and currencies.

  3. Use the chat input to enter commands, for example:

    exchange 2 EUR USD



Language:Python 66.5%Language:HTML 18.9%Language:CSS 8.0%Language:JavaScript 6.5%