Dantali0n / oCLFFT

OpenCL Fast Fourier Transform using cooley-tukey in-place bit-reversal algorithm with lookup tables.

Repository from Github https://github.comDantali0n/oCLFFTRepository from Github https://github.comDantali0n/oCLFFT


openCL Fast Fourier Transform

Project for University of Amsterdam (UvA) performance engineering course, boilerplate CMake files are from a previous project

Directory structure

  • cmake - small cmake snippets to enable various features
  • csv - converted wavefiles that can be used by applications
  • final - LaTeX final presentation given at the end of the course
  • lib - support library with functions and definitions
  • measurements - performance evaluation scripts as well as measured values
  • midterm - LaTeX files for the presentation at the first half of the course
  • playground - small toy examples or other experiments
  • python - python scripts to aid in visualization or measurements
  • proposal - LaTeX source for project proposal
  • report - LaTeX source for project report
  • src - project source files
  • tests - unit tests and possibly integration tests
  • wav - Original wavefile formats used as input data


Executable Hardware Target Base Algorithm Properties
ard-seq CPU Single Thread Cooley-Tukey Bit-reversal in-place radix-2
dft-seq CPU Single Thread DFT
ard-omp CPU OpenMP Cooley-Tukey Bit-reversal in-place radix-2
ard-ocl GPU Cooley-Tukey Slow bit-reversal, fft lookup
bit-ocl GPU Cooley-Tukey 2D bit-reversal, fft lookup
flk-ocl GPU Cooley-Tukey 2D bit-reversal, fast lookup


  • cmake 3.0 or higher
  • cmake 3.9 or higher (ard-omp)
  • doxygen (documentation)
  • boost 1.32 or higher
  • boost 1.53 or higher (unit tests)
  • python 3.x (python)
  • virtualenv (python)


Python environment:

virtualenv -p python3 python/e
cd python
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Generating lookup tables:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make play-lookup
./playground/play-lookup > ../oclfft/ard-ocl/src/lookup.cl
./playground/play-lookup > ../oclfft/bit-ocl/src/lookup.cl
./playground/play-lookup > ../oclfft/flk-ocl/src/lookup.cl


All project files are licensed under GPLv3 unless otherwise stated by the header of the source files. Most files will be authored under Corne Lukken but some source files are from third-party sources, please check the license headers to verify the author and license.

A few examples of files licensed under different authors:

  • Beamer templates by Jerome Belleman.
  • ard-seq implementation by Didier Longueville & Enrique Condes.



../cmake-build-debug/oclfft/bit-ocl/bit-ocl -f ../csv/ads-b.csv -s 262144  -o real | python evaluate-error.py
 /opt/rocm/bin/rocprof --obj-tracking on --hsa-trace binary


OpenCL Fast Fourier Transform using cooley-tukey in-place bit-reversal algorithm with lookup tables.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 34.2%Language:TeX 28.2%Language:Python 17.6%Language:CMake 12.0%Language:C 4.9%Language:Shell 3.1%