Danny-Dasilva / gpt2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker Container for Training GPT-2

Only requirements are Nvidia docker

clone repo

git clone https://github.com/Danny-Dasilva/gpt2.git

path into repo

cd gpt2

build docker container

sudo docker build ./ -t gpt2

export current directory


run container local files are mounted in the local folder

docker run --name create-text \
--rm -it --privileged -p 6006:6006 \
--mount type=bind,src=${GPT_DIR},dst=/home/gpt2/local \
--gpus all \

second terminal is you need it

sudo docker exec -it create-text /bin/bash 

Train and Deploy model

Add your text file

put your txt file in ${GPT_DIR} (the cloned repo)

the following examples will use the example file of training.txt

if you want examples on how to format the txt file that info is provided below

Encode to training.npz

in the docker container

python3 encode.py local/training.txt training.npz

Train Model

run name here is run1 this will be the same as the model name later

python3 train.py --dataset training.npz --run_name run1

the model will save automatically at 1000 steps but if you hit Ctrl + C it will save the most recent step, sometimes if you train for too short you will get a ValueError("Can't load save_path when it is None.") I think it has something to do with the tokens not delimiting correcly because the model is not trained enough.

Run model

below is for unconditional e.g. generated text

python3 generate_unconditional_samples.py --top_k 40 --model_name run1

Interactive samples

these will ask for a model prompt

python3 interactive_conditional_samples.py --top_k 40 --model_name run1 --length 25

model args explanations

taken from https://medium.com/@ngwaifoong92/beginners-guide-to-retrain-gpt-2-117m-to-generate-custom-text-content-8bb5363d8b7f

  • top_k: Integer value controlling diversity. 1 means only 1 word is considered for each step (token), resulting in deterministic completions, while 40 means 40 words are considered at each step. 0 (default) is a special setting meaning no restrictions. 40 generally is a good value.

  • temperature: Float value controlling randomness in boltzmann distribution. Lower temperature results in less random completions. As the temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and repetitive. Higher temperature results in more random completions. Default value is 1.

  • length: number of characters included in each sample before a new sample is generated

How do you format txt files?

the example said to delimit with <|endoftext|> but you can use whatever

files should look like below

Example sentence or paragraph of text
Another text thing



Language:Python 97.5%Language:Dockerfile 2.5%