DanielVenturini / ideal-memory

Data Base Laboratory files project

Home Page:http://portal.inep.gov.br/microdados

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Data Base Laboratory files project. The project is the modeling of data about the Higher Education.


All database from Inep can be downloaded here (258MB Zip).


The files is structured the follow way:

  • ANEXOS/ contains all files that describe the datas;
  • DADOS/ contains all database files in zip->csv;
  • FILTROS/ contains one file with some tips of how to model in Sql; and
  • LEIA-ME/ contains a file that explain how to open the database files in software R, SPSS and SAS.

One important file is ANEXOS/ANEXO I - Dicion rio de Dados e Tabelas Auxiliares/Dicion rio_de_Dados.xlsx that contains the description of each field in all database.


This is the modeling that how all data are structured.



The nexts steps describe how to create all environment.


Execute the follows commands:

git clone https://github.com/danielventurini/ideal-memory
cd ideal-memory/
curl download.inep.gov.br/microdados/microdados_educacao_superior_2017.zip --output microdados.zip
unzip microdados.zip
mv Microdados_Educacao_Superior_2017 microdados  # rename path
cd microdados/DADOS/
find . -name "*.zip" -exec unzip {} \;	# extract all files


Using the PostgreSQL, execute the query files in the follow order:

  1. create_types.sql
  2. insert_types.sql
  3. create_temps.sql

before execute this file - create_temps.sql -, open at line 406-411 and change the /[absolute/path]/ to your absolute path.

  1. create_tables.sql
  2. insert_tables.sql

Tip: Before the execution files, you can use the follow command:

drop schema if exists public cascade;
create schema public;


  1. The DM_CURSO.csv file contains unique wrong register. At line 6302 and column T, exists a wrong value in TP_ATRIBUTO_INGRESSO that doesn't exists in table TP_ATRIBUTO_INGRESSO. All values from this table is 0, 1 and 2; and the value at line 6302 is 3. For this, in file create_temps, at last line, this register is deleted from the curso_temp.

  2. The file insert_tables.sql has a UPDATE that take many, many, many hours: line 995


Data Base Laboratory files project



Language:TSQL 100.0%