DanielPickens / Netaro

A CLI utility that scans live CMAP, IP's and MXFiles and reports potential issues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Netaro - a Website Analysis CLI

Netaro is a cli utility that scans live CMAP, IP's and MXFiles and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations. It can analayze a network based on what's inferred and not what's sitting on disc or networked locally. By scanning globally , it detects misconfigurations and helps to ensure that best practices are in place, thus preventing future headaches. It aims to reduce the cognitive overload one faces when operating a nmap and other reconissance tools using Go as a self-operating controller.


  • Binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac are available as tarballs in the release page.

  • For OSX/Unit using Homebrew/LinuxBrew

    brew install unknown/netaro/netaro
  • Building from source Netaro was built using go 1.19. In order to build Netaro from source you must:

    1. Clone the repo

    2. Add the following command in your go.mod file

      replace (
        github.com/DanielPickens/Netaro => MY_NETARO_CLONED_GIT_REPO
    3. Build and run the executable

      go run main.go 

    Quick recipe for the impatient:

    # Clone outside of GOPATH
    git clone https://github.com/DanielPickens/Netaro
    cd netaro
    # Build and install
    go install
    # Run
    go run cmd/Netaro/cli.go 


A CLI utility that scans live CMAP, IP's and MXFiles and reports potential issues


Language:Go 100.0%