DanielKneipp / python-poetry-cicd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python CICD example with poetry and GH actions

This project is a simple example on how to use GH actions and poetry to implement Continuos Integration and Continuos Delivery for a python project using poetry and pytests

The master branch is protect and can only be changed via PRs. Each PR has a ci workflow with linting and tests. After a merge on master, another workflow is responsible to build the package. There is also Publish step that should push the package to a private repository following poetry docs

CICD architecture

The architecture follows a simple structure with two workflows:

  1. The ci workflow with automation to run pre-commit for linting and dependency management checks. Also test automation is included with test coverage report. This is executed on each PR to master and must succeed to the PR to receive green light to be merged
  2. The cd workflow, which has steps to build the python package and publish it to a private package repository if the credentials are configured properly. This is executed after every merge on master. Since the tests on every change have been executed already from the ci workflow, we can skip to the deployment actions

Both workflows reuse a setup action to configure the machine with the required dependencies. This setup also caches the python virtualenv when nothing has changed in the poetry.lock file, making subsequent workflow executions much faster.

Why just one job

Each workflow has only one job with the same name. This is because every desired action must run sequentially and by using just one job, we can continue to reuse the same runner reusing the setup step, reducing some execution time.

Separation of jobs make sense when you want to run things in parallel (its default behavior). A common case is to run tests with several machine configurations, but since this is not the case of this project, one job is sufficient.

Local setup

# Install poetry
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH"

# Install dependencies
poetry shell
poetry install

# pre-commit setup
pre-commit install

đź’ˇ Tip: you can run pre-commit run --all-files to catch errors before committing

Local operations

  • Lint: black *.py python_cicd/
  • Test: pytest
  • Build: poetry build

Linting is already being done with black with pre-commit and is the recommended way to use it locally or via GH workflows. The gh-action from black docs could be used in the ci workflow, but pre-commit was used to streamline the process.

Test GH actions locally

We can use act to test GH actions locally.

# Install act and GH cli
brew install act
brew install gh

# Authenticate with gh
gh auth login

# Test push-based workflows
act push --container-architecture linux/amd64 \

# Test pull_request-test workflows (there is a known issue with the `Comment coverage` step)
act pull_request --container-architecture linux/amd64 \
  -s GITHUB_TOKEN=$(gh auth status -t 2>&1 | grep Token | awk '{print $3}') \
  -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04  # See https://github.com/dorny/paths-filter#notes

Note: There is a known issues when using act. With the ci workflow, the second step is to fetch the master branch from the remote. This works fine on GH, but locally it fails because the GH managed runners are not trusted

Private repository configuration

Poetry has documentation on how to configure and publish on private repositories

This repo has a step on the cd workflow that tries to configure access and publish to a private repository like Sonatype Nexus (assuming that a PyPI repository named pypi-internal has been create already). After configuring the REPO_USERNAME and REPO_PASSWORD secrets in the repo, the Publish should execute on merges to master.



License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%