DanielCender / HackerNews-Apollo-Server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hacker News (HN) GraphQL Server

An Apollo GraphQL Server serving content from Y Combinator's infamous news source

Getting Started

Clone the repo, run yarn install and node index.js to boot up the Apollo Server.

Navigate to localhost:4000 to start running queries and inspecting the schema.

Test Queries

Copy and Paste any of the queries in this directory to get a sense of how this API may be used.

Structure and Thought

API on GitHub: https://github.com/HackerNews/API

Access Patterns for this API:

  • getStory: id -> Story: { Comments: [] }
  • getTopStories: (limiter) -> [Story: { Comments: [] }]
  • getUser: (username) -> User: { Stories: [] }

Since this would be a PWA, I would like to cache the most recent/top stories, or even a list of whichever ones the user clicks a button indicator on, to know which they'd like to keep offline.

So maybe, just need one or two queries to access this, like:

type Query {
	listTopStories(limit: Int): [Story]
	Story and Comments have child nodes,
	but all descendants are Comments by nature
	listDescendants(id: ID): [Comment]
	getUserById(id: ID!): User

Those stories would have nested comments beneath them, which in turn may have nested descendants to one or two levels of depth themselves.

listTopStories {
	...Listable, # interface Story extends

Apollo Graph Manager

Useful for analytics, error reporting, and versioning: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/tutorial/production/#what-are-the-benefits-of-graph-manager

To publish API to Graph Manager, first put ENGINE_API_KEY in .env file.

While the Apollo Server is running (i.e. run node index.js in root), run:

npx apollo service:push --endpoint=http://localhost:4000



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