DanielCardonaRojas / MercadolibreTest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mercadolibre Clone

Unit tests

A Mercado libre client, searching and displaying a product list and detail screen.

This app consumes the search, products and suggestions API from: https://api.mercadolibre.com



  • Shows paginated search results, landscape (2 items per row) and portrait
  • Shows suggestion while typing in search bar
  • Shows product detail information
  • Empty state for no results

About this project


This app uses MVVM pattern

The folder structure is simple and consists of 4 top level folder. Each of which could be eventually become a logical (modules/Frameworks) in a Clean architecture style.

  • Data: All data manipulating classes, from remote to local data, will usually also contain (DTO/Model) definitions.

  • Application: Where business logic goes. In this case where ViewModels will be located

  • UI: A place for UIViewController and UIView subclasses

  • Utils: A module for shared code, will usually put reusable extensions, constants, and other business independent code in here.


Uses a mix of Interface Builder and some programmatic UI with Autolayout.


This app has some unit tests mainly to tests ViewModels which is the most importat part to test in an app using MVVM

Code style guidelines

This project uses swiftlint to ensure consistent code style.


All dependencies are installed with SPM which comes bundled in Xcode. So no need to install any other tool, should work out of the box.


This app uses a custom networking layer developed by me APIClient which is a convenient light weight wrapper around URLSession.


All layout in this app is done with Autolayout via code or IB, for this I like to use some conveniences that I have developed in the past which provide more declarative style KeypathAutoLayout

Image gallery and network images

A couple extra dependencies have been used to fetch images from the network and to create a image gallery which would be a very time consuming task otherwise.



Language:Swift 100.0%