DanPurdy / sass-lint

Pure Node.js Sass linting

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A Node-only Sass linter for both sass and scss syntax!


You can get sass-lint from NPM:

Install globally

npm install -g sass-lint

To save to a project as a dev dependency

npm install sass-lint --save-dev


Sass-lint can be configured from a .sass-lint.yml or .sasslintrc file in your project. The .sasslintrc file can be in either JSON format or YAML. Both formats are interchangeable easily using tools such as json2yaml. If you don't either file in the root of your project or you would like all your projects to follow a standard config file then you can specify the path to one in your project's package.json file with the sasslintConfig option.

For example:

  "name": "my-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "sasslintConfig": "PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG/FILE"

Use the Sample Config (YAML) or Sample Config (JSON) as a guide to create your own config file. The default configuration can be found here.

Migrating from SCSS-Lint: If you already have a config for SCSS-Lint, you can instantly convert it to the equivalent Sass Lint config at sasstools.github.io/make-sass-lint-config.


The following are options that you can use to config the Sass Linter.

  • cache-config - Allows you to cache your config for a small speed boost when not changing the contents of your config file
  • config-file - Specify another config file to load
  • formatter - Choose the format for any warnings/errors to be displayed
  • merge-default-rules - Allows you to merge your rules with the default config file included with sass-lint
  • output-file - Choose to write the linters output to a file


The files option contains two properties, include and ignore. Both can be set to either a glob or an array of glob strings/file paths depending on your projects' needs and setup.

For example below we are providing a singular glob string to our include property and an array of patterns to our ignore property:

  include: 'sass/**/*.s+(a|c)ss'
    - 'sass/vendor/**/*.scss'
    - 'sass/tests/**/*.scss'

As mentioned you can also provide an array to the include property like so

    - 'sass/blocks/*.s+(a|c)ss'
    - 'sass/elements/*.s+(a|c)ss'
    - 'sass/vendor/**/*.scss'
    - 'sass/tests/**/*.scss'


For all rules, setting their severity to 0 turns it off, setting to 1 sets it as a warning (something that should not be committed in), and setting to 2 sets it to an error (something that should not be written). If a rule is set to just a severity, it will use the default configuration (where available).

If you want to configure options, set the rule to an array, where the first item in the array is the severity, and the second item in the array is an object including the options you would like to set.

Here is an example configuration of a rule, where we are specifying that breaking the indentation rule should be treated as an error (its severity set to two), and setting the size option of the rule to 2 spaces:

    - 2
      size: 2

Disabling Linters via Source

Special comments can be used to disable and enable certain rules throughout your source files in a variety of scenarios. These can be useful when dealing with legacy code or with certain necessary code smells. You can read the documentation for this feature here.

Below are examples of how to use this feature:

Disable a rule for the entire file

// sass-lint:disable border-zero
p {
  border: none; // No lint reported

Disable more than 1 rule

// sass-lint:disable border-zero, quotes
p {
  border: none; // No lint reported
  content: "hello"; // No lint reported

Disable a rule for a single line

p {
  border: none; // sass-lint:disable-line border-zero

Disable all lints within a block (and all contained blocks)

p {
  // sass-lint:disable-block border-zero
  border: none; // No result reported

a {
  border: none; // Failing result reported

Disable and enable again

// sass-lint:disable border-zero
p {
  border: none; // No result reported
// sass-lint:enable border-zero

a {
  border: none; // Failing result reported

Disable/enable all linters

// sass-lint:disable-all
p {
  border: none; // No result reported
// sass-lint:enable-all

a {
  border: none; // Failing result reported


Sass Lint v1.1.0 introduced the ability to run Sass Lint through a command line interface. See the CLI Docs for full documentation on how to use the CLI.

There are small differences which are useful to understand over other CLI tools you may have encountered with other linters.

By default any rule set to severity: 2 in your config will throw an error which will stop the CLI on the first error it encounters. If you wish to see a list of errors and not have the CLI exit then you'll need to use the -q or --no-exit flag.

Warnings or any rule set to severity: 1 in your config by default will not be reported by the CLI tool unless you use verbose flag -v or --verbose.

With this in mind if you would like to have the CLI show both warnings and errors then at the very least your starting point to use the cli should be the following command. sass-lint -v -q

CLI Examples

Specify a config

Below is an example of the command being used to load a config -c app/config/.sass-lint.yml file, show errors and warnings on the command line, and target a glob pattern **/*.scss:

sass-lint -c app/config/.sass-lint.yml '**/*.scss' -v -q

or with long form flags

sass-lint --config app/config/.sass-lint.yml '**/*.scss' --verbose --no-exit

Including multiple source destinations

By default when specifying a directory/file to lint from the CLI you would do something similar to the following

sass-lint 'myapp/**/*.scss' -v -q

or with long form flags

sass-lint 'myapp/**/*.scss' --verbose --no-exit

Notice that you need to wrap glob patterns in quotation marks

If you want to specify multiple input sources then you need to include a single comma and a space , to separate each pattern as shown in the following

sass-lint 'myapp/dir1/**.*.scss, myapp/dir2/**/*.scss' -v -q

or with long form flags

sass-lint 'myapp/dir1/**.*.scss, myapp/dir2/**/*.scss' --verbose --no-exit

If you don't include the extra space after the comma then the multiple patterns will not be interpreted correctly and you could see sass-lint fail.

Ignore files/patterns

To add a list of files to ignore tests/**/*.scss, dist/other.scss into the mix you could do the following:

sass-lint -c app/config/.sass-lint.yml '**/*.scss' -v -q -i 'tests/**/*.scss, dist/other.scss'

or with long form flags

sass-lint --config app/config/.sass-lint.yml '**/*.scss' --verbose --no-exit --ignore 'tests/**/*.scss, dist/other.scss'

Notice that glob patterns need to be wrapped in quotation or single quote marks in order to be passed to sass-lint correctly and if you want to ignore multiple paths you also need to wrap it in quotation marks and separate each pattern/file with a comma and a space , .

This will be revisited and updated in sass-lint v2.0.0.

For further information you can visit our CLI documentation linked below.

Front matter

Certain static site generators such as Jekyll include the YAML front matter block at the top of their scss file. Sass-lint by default checks a file for this block and attempts to parse your Sass without this front matter. You can see an example of a front matter block below.

# Only the main Sass file needs front matter (the dashes are enough)

.test {
  color: red;


We welcome all contributions to this project but please do read our contribution guidelines first, especially before opening a pull request. It would also be good to read our code of conduct.

Please don't feel hurt or embarrassed if you find your issues/PR's that don't follow these guidelines closed as it can be a very time consuming process managing the quantity of issues and PR's we receive. If you have any questions just ask!

Creating Rules

Our AST is Gonzales-PE. Each rule will be passed the full AST which they can traverse as they please. There are many different node types that may be traversed, and an extensive API for working with nodes. The file of the rule must have the same name as the name of the rule. All of the available rules are in our rules directory. Default options will be merged in with user config.

Task Runner Integration

Module Bundler Integration

IDE Integration


Pure Node.js Sass linting

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 75.6%Language:CSS 24.4%