DanHugoDanHugo / DanHugoDanHugo

At long last, a profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dan Hugo’s Profile Readme

At long last, a profile README.md file

Someone already had my name on its own so I went with the Letterman style “Guy so nice they named me twice” alternative, if that is a question you had.

Typing SVG

Civic Volunteerism

I suggested in late 2021 (post-pandemic, a Brave New World!) that I should spend my second half doing some socially responsible development, including more open source, more locally-important projects, more engagement with people around me. If you develop something, no matter what it is, and you are near the person or people who will use that thing, your thing will be better, even if it takes a few iterations.

I learned this first hand while traveling around for Intel, in the Maker Innovator Group, whereby I was able to work with various people of all ages and skill levels at Hackathons and at Maker Faires, and there is nothing more educational then seeing up close and personal from people trying to use the thing you made, and having a hard time doing it. Or maybe they have a great time, the point is, you find that out directly, rather than in a meeting or via some social media review stream.

So check out the Innovate for Vegas organization here on GitHub!


At long last, a profile

License:GNU General Public License v3.0