Dan-Nolan / Escrow-Build

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Decentralized Escrow Application

This is an Escrow Dapp built in the ChainShot Zero to Blockchain Curriculum found on ChainShot.

Project Layout

There are three top-level folders:

  1. /app - contains the front-end application
  2. /contracts - contains the solidity contract
  3. /tests - contains tests for the solidity contract


Install dependencies with npm install.

There are three npm scripts to run this application:

  1. npm run test - tests contracts in /contracts with the tests in /tests
  2. npm run start - deploys & compiles contracts and starts the front-end application
  3. npm run deploys - compiles and deploys contracts to the localhost:8545
  4. npm run compile - compiles contracts and stores artifacts in /app/artifacts

This application using Parcel to bundle assets and run.

It uses Buidler to compile and test solidity contracts.



Language:JavaScript 87.5%Language:Solidity 10.2%Language:HTML 2.4%