DamienBell / angularui

AngularUI implementation of xoxco starter kit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

XOXCO Development Starter Kit

This project contains many helpful tools useful for building a variety of different type of sites. It has been compiled with re-use in mind, and is thus stored in a generic state, ready to be customized for each project.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the project from Github into a new folder and set up a new Github project to track your changes:
git clone git@github.com:xoxco/starterkit.git my_project/
cd my_project/
git remote rename origin starterkit
git remote add origin <URL_TO_NEW_GITHUB_PROJECT>
  1. Run npm install
  2. Run bower install
  3. Run grunt

This will install all the dependencies, install some front end libraries, and run all of the normal build processes to freshen up all the files.

Customizing the Starter Kit

This project is intended only to be a good, generic starting point. Each type of project will look slightly different, and you should feel free to move files around, delete unnecessary components, and generally personalize things as necessary.

You'll want to customize some of the specifics of Gruntfile.js, such as:

  • Specific files to watch or copy
  • Specific libraries to include in the minified libs.js
  • Any additional steps required to build
  • Running tests

Useful Commands

grunt - run all tasks for development environment.

grunt prod - run all tasks for a production environment

grunt watch - watch all the files in the build folder for changes and run appropriate tasks

grunt nodemon - launch the node server.js application, and restart it if anything changes.

Installing Front End Javascript Libraries with Bower

bower install --save <library>

this will cause the library to be installed into public/libs/ and update the bower.json file.

Installing Node Modules with NPM

npm install --save <module>

This will cause the module to be installed in node_modules/ and update the package.json file.

What's in this starter kit?

A Test Environment Server

There is a VERY simple node app that will serve files from the public/ folder.

Run grunt nodemon or node server.js to start it, then load http://localhost:3000/

Using Apache to serve your stuff

To use Apache (in the event you're building a PHP site, for example), create a virtualhost and point the docroot to the public/ subfolder of this project.

This should allow you to continue to manage your raw, unminified front end files in the dev/ folder, while building the front end php script files in the public/ folder like a normal docroot.

A dev folder

The dev folder contains all of the component files that comprise things like the front end application, the CSS files, the Angular views, and other template files.

Everything in dev/js will be concatenated, minified, and copied into public/js/app.js by Grunt.

dev/css/style.scss and all of its subordinate component files will be run through SASS, then run through an auto-prefixer, and then copied into public/css/style.css

Scripts used by the build process should go in dev/scripts/. By default, grunt will execute dev/scripts/build.sh

A public folder

The public folder holds the public facing elements of a site.

All JS, CSS and view files should be managed in the dev/ folder.

Only static assets should be placed in the public folder.

There is one exception: Javascript libraries that are installed by Bower are placed in the public/js/libs folder. These files can be concatinated and minfied by Grunt, but a specific list of files must be added to the Gruntfile.js config

A views folder

This folder contains files used by the Node.js server. Only relevant if you are going to use a Node.js app for more than creating a local test environment.

A boilerplates folder

This folder contains templates for various project types, such as Drupal modules and Node.JS apps.

These can be copied and customized to get started.


AngularUI implementation of xoxco starter kit


Language:CSS 94.0%Language:JavaScript 5.8%Language:PHP 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%