DamianJMurphy / SpineTools-CSharp

NHS Spine Message Handler

Repository from Github https://github.comDamianJMurphy/SpineTools-CSharpRepository from Github https://github.comDamianJMurphy/SpineTools-CSharp


NHS Spine Message Handler


.Net 4.0 or 4.5

DistributionEnvelopeTools-CSharp (https://github.com/DamianJMurphy/DistributionEnvelopeTools-CSharp)

JSON.Net (http://www.newtonsoft.com/json)

SpineTools is an integration library providing Message Handling System behaviour for NHS Spine clients, and in particular for "ITK Trunk" messages. It supports synchronous and unreliable asynchronous queries; and asychronous messaging with both synchronous and asychnonous ebXML acknowledgments.

SpineTools provides a Spine Directory Service interface plus a cache .

Integration points for received messages are provided by handlers keyed on service, with default (or example) handlers being provided that write received message content to files on disk. Configuration is via the registry.

API documentation is in "Javadoc" form and Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org) is recommended to extract and format it.

Files here are a copy of the Visual Studio project directory. A simple test caller is provided.


NHS Spine Message Handler

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 100.0%