Damdoshi / PandoraX03-Kernel_base

This repository is an help for user that want to create their own Kernel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is an help for user that want to create their own Kernel
To create the iso file, you may use the command I let you :

 nasm -f elf32 boot.asm -o boot.o
 gcc -m32 -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
 gcc -m32 -c keyboard.c -o keyboard.o
 gcc -m32 -c source.c -o source.o
 ld -m elf_i386 -T linker.ld -o kernel boot.o kernel.o keyboard.o source.o

Build the Iso

 mkdir -p iso/boot/grub
 cp kernel iso/boot/
 cp grub.cfg iso/boot/grub/
 grub-mkrescue -o pandorax03.iso iso/

Because of -m32 you should install i386

 apt-get install ia32-libs libc6-dev-i386

To install your iso file on USB just use balena etcher:


This repository is an help for user that want to create their own Kernel


Language:C 93.0%Language:Assembly 7.0%