DZunke / panaly

Project analyzer tool with extensive plugin system to collect metrics from different quality tools together in a single reporting

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Panaly - Project Analyzer

This project targets to deliver an extendable tool to analyze a projects sourcecode for some metrics. Have a code coverage report? Some baselines for static analyzer that you want to keep in mind? Just file system metrics? Get them all together based on your custom configuration and get a reporting of your mind for it.

The plugin system ensures that it is possible to customize every step from the configuration to the collection of the metrics and over to storage and reporting. Later on even more access with active event listening will be enabled so that every plugin can form the way a projects analyzer tools bring their numbers together.


⚠️ Open TODO - Work in Progress Project

composer require --dev panaly/panaly

After the package was installed create a file panaly.dist.yaml and fill it with a configuration based on the plugins you need. Without any plugin there will be nothing done. As an example for a working configuration have a look to the file in this repository.


In default the CLI Command will search for a config file panaly.dist.yaml which can be overwritten by giving the config file with the CLI Command like vendor/bin/panaly -c my-own-config.yaml.

Curated List of Plugins

Metric Plugins

Storage Plugins

Reporting Plugins

Other Plugins

Example Configuration

# panaly.dist.yaml
plugins: # Registered plugins that deliver single metrics that could be utilized for metric groups
  Namespace/Of/The/Project/FilesystemPlugin: ~ # registers a "filesystem_directory_count" and a "fielsystem_file_count" metric
  Namespace/Of/Another/Project/PHPStanBaselinePlugin: ~ # registers a simple "phpstan_baseline_total_count" metric
  I/Have/A/Storage/Engine/LocalJsonStoragePlugin: ~ # registers a "local_json" storage and also a "metric_history_timeframe" metric that shows from / to string of alltime metric reading
  My/Own/Plugin/HtmlReportPlugin: ~ # registers the "my_own_html_reporting" reporting that takes the result collection of the metrics and does something with it

      title: "My Metrics"
              title: "Metrics in Storage (Timeframe)"
              storage: local_json
      title: "Filesystem Metrics"
          filesystem_directory_count: ~
              title: "Total project files"
                  - src
                  - tests
              metric: fielsystem_file_count # This overwrites the key and is the metric to be utilized
              title: "Just test files"
                  - src
                  - tests
      title: Static Analysis Metrics"
              title: "PHPStan Debts"
              baseline: .baselines/phpstan-baseline.neon

      path: var/metric_storage

  my_own_html_reporting: ~


As Panaly is building on a wide plugin system and is not delivering metric collecting, storaging and reporting features by itself everything needs to be done by a plugin. Each plugin can be specialized to a single task or deliver a full feature set from the metric collection over storage handling to reporting generation.

In a result the plugins are the most basic thing to configure for a Panaly run. Every plugin has a base class that is configuring how the plugin want to be utilized by Panaly and which features it delivers.

A Plugin can extend the class Panaly\Plugin\BasePlugin to not have to implement all methods for itself as the methods are independently called from each other and nothing will happen when they are empty.

The following methods are available.

Method Description
initialize Mainly usage idea currently is to register event listeners to the events that are triggered during the runtime of a Panaly run.
getAvailableMetrics Return a list of Panaly\Plugin\Plugin\Metric implementing classes to be used as metric collectors.
getAvailableStorages Return a list of Panaly\Plugin\Plugin\Storage implementing classes that will take the metric collection result and handle storage tasks.
getAvailableReporting Return a list of Panaly\Plugin\Plugin\Reporting implementing classes that will take the metric collection result and generate some kind of reporting that can then be utilized by the user.


The event section is work in progress as there is currently no real way to register an event listener but that will become available later so that plugins are also enabled to hook into the events instead of delivering metrics, reporting or storages to the process.

Event Description
Panaly\Configuration\ConfigurationFile\BeforeMetricCalculate Before the Collector executes a metric collection method it will dispatch this even which gives the possibility to change the metric options directly before the metric is executed.
Panaly\Configuration\ConfigurationFile\ConfigurationLoaded The event is dispatched directly after the ConfigurationFile was loaded. It allows to overwrite the full configuration by delivering a new instance that will then be taken for the process.
Panaly\Configuration\ConfigurationFile\RuntimeLoaded After the configuration was fully loaded and converted to the RuntimeConfiguration this event is triggered, it is the last possibility to change the metric running process.
Panaly\Configuration\ConfigurationFile\MetricResultCreated When the collection, or execution, of configured metric groups is finished the event is triggered with all information and the result can be modified before the storage and reporting runs. The full environment is given her with the ConfigurationFile, the RuntimeConfiguration and the Result

Thanks and License

Panaly - Project Analyzer © 2024+, Denis Zunke. Released utilizing the MIT License.

Inspired By PHPMetrics - Thanks for your Tool!

GitHub @dzunke  ·  Twitter @DZunke


Project analyzer tool with extensive plugin system to collect metrics from different quality tools together in a single reporting

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.0%Language:Makefile 1.0%