DWCTOD / CVPR2024-Papers-with-Code-Demo

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🔨 目录 |Table of Contents(点击直接跳转)





HoloVIC: Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-Sensor Holographic Intersection and Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative

Traffic Scene Parsing through the TSP6K Dataset


Diffusion Model

Balancing Act: Distribution-Guided Debiasing in Diffusion Models

DistriFusion: Distributed Parallel Inference for High-Resolution Diffusion Models

DiffAssemble: A Unified Graph-Diffusion Model for 2D and 3D Reassembly

Diff-Plugin: Revitalizing Details for Diffusion-based Low-level Tasks

Few-shot Learner Parameterization by Diffusion Time-steps

MedM2G: Unifying Medical Multi-Modal Generation via Cross-Guided Diffusion with Visual Invariant

DEADiff: An Efficient Stylization Diffusion Model with Disentangled Representations

Face2Diffusion for Fast and Editable Face Personalization

DEADiff: An Efficient Stylization Diffusion Model with Disentangled Representations

MACE: Mass Concept Erasure in Diffusion Models

It's All About Your Sketch: Democratising Sketch Control in Diffusion Models

SemCity: Semantic Scene Generation with Triplane Diffusion



RealCustom: Narrowing Real Text Word for Real-Time Open-Domain Text-to-Image Customization

NoiseCollage: A Layout-Aware Text-to-Image Diffusion Model Based on Noise Cropping and Merging

Discriminative Probing and Tuning for Text-to-Image Generation

Towards Effective Usage of Human-Centric Priors in Diffusion Models for Text-based Human Image Generation

Text2QR: Harmonizing Aesthetic Customization and Scanning Robustness for Text-Guided QR Code Generation

Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Great Sketch-Photo Matchmakers





GSNeRF: Generalizable Semantic Neural Radiance Fields with Enhanced 3D Scene Understanding

DNGaussian: Optimizing Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Radiance Fields with Global-Local Depth Normalization

S-DyRF: Reference-Based Stylized Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes


Knowledge Distillation

PromptKD: Unsupervised Prompt Distillation for Vision-Language Models

Logit Standardization in Knowledge Distillation

RadarDistill: Boosting Radar-based Object Detection Performance via Knowledge Distillation from LiDAR Features

$V_kD:$ Improving Knowledge Distillation using Orthogonal Projections


多模态 / Multimodal

MP5: A Multi-modal Open-ended Embodied System in Minecraft via Active Perception

Polos: Multimodal Metric Learning from Human Feedback for Image Captioning

MADTP: Multimodal Alignment-Guided Dynamic Token Pruning for Accelerating Vision-Language Transformer

Learning to Rematch Mismatched Pairs for Robust Cross-Modal Retrieval

MoPE-CLIP: Structured Pruning for Efficient Vision-Language Models with Module-wise Pruning Error Metric

Decomposing Disease Descriptions for Enhanced Pathology Detection: A Multi-Aspect Vision-Language Matching Framework

Calibrating Multi-modal Representations: A Pursuit of Group Robustness without Annotations


Contrastive Learning

Style Blind Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation via Covariance Alignment and Semantic Consistence Contrastive Learning


胶囊网络 / Capsule Network


图像分类 / Image Classification


目标检测/Object Detection

UniMODE: Unified Monocular 3D Object Detection

CN-RMA: Combined Network with Ray Marching Aggregation for 3D Indoors Object Detection from Multi-view Images

Memory-based Adapters for Online 3D Scene Perception

Salience DETR: Enhancing Detection Transformer with Hierarchical Salience Filtering Refinement

Enhancing 3D Object Detection with 2D Detection-Guided Query Anchors

SAFDNet: A Simple and Effective Network for Fully Sparse 3D Object Detection


目标跟踪/Object Tracking

DeconfuseTrack:Dealing with Confusion for Multi-Object Tracking

Delving into the Trajectory Long-tail Distribution for Muti-object Tracking


3D Object Tracking


轨迹预测/Trajectory Prediction



PEM: Prototype-based Efficient MaskFormer for Image Segmentation

Towards the Uncharted: Density-Descending Feature Perturbation for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation

Text-Guided Variational Image Generation for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Segmentation


弱监督语义分割/Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation


医学图像/Medical Image

Modality-Agnostic Structural Image Representation Learning for Deformable Multi-Modality Medical Image Registration


视频目标分割/Video Object Segmentation

Depth-aware Test-Time Training for Zero-shot Video Object Segmentation


交互式视频目标分割/Interactive Video Object Segmentation


Visual Transformer

Rethinking Transformers Pre-training for Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery


深度估计/Depth Estimation

Representations for Recognition and Retrieval


图像、视频检索 / Image Retrieval/Video retrieval

Dual Pose-invariant Embeddings: Learning Category and Object-specific Discriminative Representations for Recognition and Retrieval

Learning to Rematch Mismatched Pairs for Robust Cross-Modal Retrieval

How to Handle Sketch-Abstraction in Sketch-Based Image Retrieval?


超分辨率/Super Resolution

SeD: Semantic-Aware Discriminator for Image Super-Resolution

Training Generative Image Super-Resolution Models by Wavelet-Domain Losses Enables Better Control of Artifacts

CAMixerSR: Only Details Need More "Attention"

Low-Res Leads the Way: Improving Generalization for Super-Resolution by Self-Supervised Learning


图像复原/Image Restoration

Boosting Image Restoration via Priors from Pre-trained Models


图像去噪/Image Denoising


图像编辑/Image Editing

Doubly Abductive Counterfactual Inference for Text-based Image Editing


图像压缩/Image Compression


图像去模糊/Image Deblur

A Unified Framework for Microscopy Defocus Deblur with Multi-Pyramid Transformer and Contrastive Learning


自动驾驶 / Autonomous Driving

Abductive Ego-View Accident Video Understanding for Safe Driving Perception

Adaptive Fusion of Single-View and Multi-View Depth for Autonomous Driving


人脸识别/Face Recognition


人脸检测/Face Detection


人脸活体检测/Face Anti-Spoofing

Suppress and Rebalance: Towards Generalized Multi-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing


人脸重建/Face Reconstruction


视频动作检测/Video Action Detection


手语翻译/Sign Language Translation


行人重识别/Person Re-identification


Talking Face


姿态估计/Pose Estimation

FAR: Flexible, Accurate and Robust 6DoF Relative Camera Pose Estimation

Single-to-Dual-View Adaptation for Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation

Hourglass Tokenizer for Efficient Transformer-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation




人脸年龄估计/Age Estimation


人脸表情识别/Facial Expression Recognition


手势姿态估计(重建)/Hand Pose Estimation( Hand Mesh Recovery)


3D Reconstruction

UFORecon: Generalizable Sparse-View Surface Reconstruction from Arbitrary and UnFavOrable Data Sets

DITTO: Dual and Integrated Latent Topologies for Implicit 3D Reconstruction

Memory-based Adapters for Online 3D Scene Perception

Bayesian Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Reconstruction


视频插帧/Frame Interpolation


3D点云/3D point cloud

Rethinking Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Extend Your Own Correspondences: Unsupervised Distant Point Cloud Registration by Progressive Distance Extension

Hide in Thicket: Generating Imperceptible and Rational Adversarial Perturbations on 3D Point Clouds


Anomaly Detection

Toward Generalist Anomaly Detection via In-context Residual Learning with Few-shot Sample Prompts

RealNet: A Feature Selection Network with Realistic Synthetic Anomaly for Anomaly Detection



DisCo: Disentangled Control for Realistic Human Dance Generation

Gradient Reweighting: Towards Imbalanced Class-Incremental Learning

TAMM: TriAdapter Multi-Modal Learning for 3D Shape Understanding

Attention-Propagation Network for Egocentric Heatmap to 3D Pose Lifting

Attentive Illumination Decomposition Model for Multi-Illuminant White Balancing

Misalignment-Robust Frequency Distribution Loss for Image Transformation

3DSFLabelling: Boosting 3D Scene Flow Estimation by Pseudo Auto-labelling

OccTransformer: Improving BEVFormer for 3D camera-only occupancy prediction

UniVS: Unified and Universal Video Segmentation with Prompts as Queries

Coarse-to-Fine Latent Diffusion for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis

Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditional Decoder

Classes Are Not Equal: An Empirical Study on Image Recognition Fairness

QN-Mixer: A Quasi-Newton MLP-Mixer Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction

Panda-70M: Captioning 70M Videos with Multiple Cross-Modality Teachers

SeMoLi: What Moves Together Belongs Together

Generalizable Whole Slide Image Classification with Fine-Grained Visual-Semantic Interaction

CricaVPR: Cross-image Correlation-aware Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition

MemoNav: Working Memory Model for Visual Navigation

VideoMAC: Video Masked Autoencoders Meet ConvNets

Theoretically Achieving Continuous Representation of Oriented Bounding Boxes

OHTA: One-shot Hand Avatar via Data-driven Implicit Priors

WWW: A Unified Framework for Explaining What, Where and Why of Neural Networks by Interpretation of Neuron Concepts

Spectral Meets Spatial: Harmonising 3D Shape Matching and Interpolation

SwitchLight: Co-design of Physics-driven Architecture and Pre-training Framework for Human Portrait Relighting

ViewFusion: Towards Multi-View Consistency via Interpolated Denoising

OpticalDR: A Deep Optical Imaging Model for Privacy-Protective Depression Recognition

NARUTO: Neural Active Reconstruction from Uncertain Target Observations

Towards Generalizable Tumor Synthesis

Rethinking Multi-domain Generalization with A General Learning Objective

Rethinking Inductive Biases for Surface Normal Estimation

SURE: SUrvey REcipes for building reliable and robust deep networks

Selective-Stereo: Adaptive Frequency Information Selection for Stereo Matching

Deformable One-shot Face Stylization via DINO Semantic Guidance

CustomListener: Text-guided Responsive Interaction for User-friendly Listening Head Generation

NRDF: Neural Riemannian Distance Fields for Learning Articulated Pose Priors

Why Not Use Your Textbook? Knowledge-Enhanced Procedure Planning of Instructional Videos

HUNTER: Unsupervised Human-centric 3D Detection via Transferring Knowledge from Synthetic Instances to Real Scenes

Learning Group Activity Features Through Person Attribute Prediction

Interactive Continual Learning: Fast and Slow Thinking

NRDF: Neural Riemannian Distance Fields for Learning Articulated Pose Priors

Why Not Use Your Textbook? Knowledge-Enhanced Procedure Planning of Instructional Videos

HUNTER: Unsupervised Human-centric 3D Detection via Transferring Knowledge from Synthetic Instances to Real Scenes

Learning Group Activity Features Through Person Attribute Prediction

Interactive Continual Learning: Fast and Slow Thinking

Hierarchical Diffusion Policy for Kinematics-Aware Multi-Task Robotic Manipulation

DART: Implicit Doppler Tomography for Radar Novel View Synthesis

MeaCap: Memory-Augmented Zero-shot Image Captioning

HMD-Poser: On-Device Real-time Human Motion Tracking from Scalable Sparse Observations

Continual Segmentation with Disentangled Objectness Learning and Class Recognition

HDRFlow: Real-Time HDR Video Reconstruction with Large Motions

LEAD: Learning Decomposition for Source-free Universal Domain Adaptation

F$^3$Loc: Fusion and Filtering for Floorplan Localization

Enhancing Vision-Language Pre-training with Rich Supervisions

Efficient LoFTR: Semi-Dense Local Feature Matching with Sparse-Like Speed

Discriminative Sample-Guided and Parameter-Efficient Feature Space Adaptation for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

Learning to Remove Wrinkled Transparent Film with Polarized Prior

LORS: Low-rank Residual Structure for Parameter-Efficient Network Stacking

Active Generalized Category Discovery

MAP: MAsk-Pruning for Source-Free Model Intellectual Property Protection

A Study of Dropout-Induced Modality Bias on Robustness to Missing Video Frames for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Seamless Human Motion Composition with Blended Positional Encodings

DiffusionLight: Light Probes for Free by Painting a Chrome Ball

SplattingAvatar: Realistic Real-Time Human Avatars with Mesh-Embedded Gaussian Splatting

Split to Merge: Unifying Separated Modalities for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Real-Time Simulated Avatar from Head-Mounted Sensors

DiaLoc: An Iterative Approach to Embodied Dialog Localization

FaceChain-SuDe: Building Derived Class to Inherit Category Attributes for One-shot Subject-Driven Generation

EarthLoc: Astronaut Photography Localization by Indexing Earth from Space

CAM Back Again: Large Kernel CNNs from a Weakly Supervised Object Localization Perspective

Distributionally Generative Augmentation for Fair Facial Attribute Classification

Exploiting Style Latent Flows for Generalizing Deepfake Detection Video Detection

MoST: Motion Style Transformer between Diverse Action Contents

Coherent Temporal Synthesis for Incremental Action Segmentation

Is Vanilla MLP in Neural Radiance Field Enough for Few-shot View Synthesis?

LTGC: Long-tail Recognition via Leveraging LLMs-driven Generated Content

PeerAiD: Improving Adversarial Distillation from a Specialized Peer Tutor

SNIFFER: Multimodal Large Language Model for Explainable Out-of-Context Misinformation Detection

Multi-Task Dense Prediction via Mixture of Low-Rank Experts

Beyond Text: Frozen Large Language Models in Visual Signal Comprehension

Dynamic Graph Representation with Knowledge-aware Attention for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis

Robust Synthetic-to-Real Transfer for Stereo Matching

CuVLER: Enhanced Unsupervised Object Discoveries through Exhaustive Self-Supervised Transformers

Masked AutoDecoder is Effective Multi-Task Vision Generalist

PeLK: Parameter-efficient Large Kernel ConvNets with Peripheral Convolution

Unleashing Network Potentials for Semantic Scene Completion

Open-World Semantic Segmentation Including Class Similarity

ViT-CoMer: Vision Transformer with Convolutional Multi-scale Feature Interaction for Dense Predictions

FSC: Few-point Shape Completion

Frequency Decoupling for Motion Magnification via Multi-Level Isomorphic Architecture

A Bayesian Approach to OOD Robustness in Image Classification



收集 CVPR 最新的成果,包括论文、代码和demo视频等,欢迎大家推荐!Collect the latest CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) results, including papers, code, and demo videos, etc., and welcome recommendations from everyone!

License:Apache License 2.0