DV8FromTheWorld / LambdaEdge-Variable-Injector

A simple custom resource for adding environment variable support to Lambda@Edge.

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Lambda@Edge Environment Variable Injector

A simple custom resource for adding environment variable support to Lambda@Edge.


Per the official documentation environment variables are not supported in AWS Lambda@Edge. There are some possible workarounds, however each requires leveraging of external AWS constructs to enable environment-variable-like data passing or requires maintaining or building multiple versions of your code to simulate what environment varaibles are meant to do.

This solution aims to allow the developer to use environments variables as expected in normal lambdas:

  • Defined in Cloudformation
  • Retrieved from the language standardized environment constructs
    • Node: process.env[KEY]
    • Python: os.environ[KEY]


This custom resource retrieves your Node or Python lambda's payload zip from S3, injects a file into the payload that contains your defined Environment Variables, re-zips the contents and uploads to S3. It then exposes the S3 bucket and S3 key of the uploaded modified payload in cloudformation (via Fn::GetAtt) for use in lambda definitions.


    Type: Custom::InjectEnvironmentVariables
      ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:your-global-lambda-edge-variable-injector'
      LambdaBucket: 'your-asset-bucket'
      LambdaKey: 'path/to/your/lambda/payload.zip'
      PayloadLanguage: 'node'
        IsSomeone: "Getting"
        TheBest: "TheBest, TheBest, TheBest"
        Of: "You"
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: index.handler
        Bucket: !GetAtt InjectEnvVariables.LambdaBucket
        Key: !GetAtt InjectEnvVariables.LambdaKey
      Runtime: 'nodejs14.x'

Thus, when LambdaAtEdge does require('./env.js), the provided environment variables will be loaded into process.env

process.env.IsSomeone "Getting"
process.env.TheBest "TheBest, TheBest, TheBest"
process.env.Of "You"



Defines the S3 bucket which the modified payload zip will be uploaded to. This value will override the OUTPUT_BUCKET environment variable set on the Custom Resource lambda itself if one was set on the global declaration of the resource. If there was no OUTPUT_BUCKET environment variable set on the global declaration then this parameter is required.

  • Type: string
  • Required: conditionally


Defines the source S3 bucket where the payload zip resides. This value should correspond to what you would have put for Lambda.Code.S3Bucket.

  • Type: string
  • Required: yes


Defines the source S3 key of the zip file. This value should correspond to what you would have put for Lambda.Code.S3Key.

  • Type: string
  • Required: yes


Defines what language is being used in provided lambda payload.

  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Allowed Values:
    • "node"
    • "python"


An object defining the environment variables that should be made available to the lambda. This value should correspond to what you would have put for Lambda.Environment.Variables.

  • Type: object<string, string>
  • Required: yes


Defines the name of the environment variable file that is injected into the lambda payload. This value should include the language-specific file extension (.js / .py).

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default:
    • Node: env.js
    • Python: env.py


A simple custom resource for adding environment variable support to Lambda@Edge.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%