DTennant / dual-rank-ncd

Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation. Bingchen Zhao and Kai Han. (NeurIPS 2021)

Home Page:https://bzhao.me/dual-rank

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation


All dependencies are included in requirements.txt. To install, run

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


We provide code for our experiments on CUB-200 and Stanford Cars.

Data preparation

By default, we put the datasets in /data/datasets/ and save trained models in ./data/experiments/ (soft link is suggested).

  • For CUB-200 dataset, download the dataset here and put the unzipped data to /data/dataset/cub200/
  • For Stanford-Cars dataset, download the dataset here and put the unzipped data to /data/dataset/cars/

Example training and testing split of CUB-200 and Stanford-Cars are presented in json format in the asset folder. The format of the dataset json is as follows:

    "path_type": "absolute",
    "nr_class": 200, // int, number of all classes,
    "info_dicts": [{
        "path": "/path/to/image.jpg",
        "label": 0,
    }, ...]

Due to the randomness of spliting the data, the final result should be an average of randomly split the dataset for several times.

Self-supervised pretraining

We use MoCoV2 with the ResNet50 backbone pretrained on ImageNet-1k for 800 epochs to initialze our model. The pretrained model can be downloaded from the original repo here.

Novel category discovery on CUB200/Stanford-Cars

# Train and evaluation on CUB-200 
python3 ncd.py --custom_run cub --mode train --model_name resnet_fgvc --method gp --cls_num_from_json --moco_path /path/to/mocov2/ckpt --label_json_path_train asset/cub_novel_80_train.json --label_json_path_val asset/cub_novel_80_test.json --unlabel_json_path_train asset/cub_novel_20_train.json --unlabel_json_path_val asset/cub_novel_20_test.json

# Train and evaluation on Stanford-Cars
python3 ncd.py --custom_run cars --mode train --model_name resnet_fgvc --method gp --cls_num_from_json --moco_path /path/to/mocov2/ckpt --label_json_path_train asset/cars_novel_80_train.json --label_json_path_val asset/cars_novel_80_test.json --unlabel_json_path_train asset/cars_novel_20_train.json --unlabel_json_path_val asset/cars_novel_20_test.json

Pretrained weight

Our pretrained weight for ResNet50 can be accessed from here


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper

 author     = {Bingchen Zhao and Kai Han},
 title      = {Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation},
 booktitle  = {Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
 year       = {2021}


Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation. Bingchen Zhao and Kai Han. (NeurIPS 2021)



Language:Python 100.0%