DTailor / tunely


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Here is hosted the source code of the new refactored tunely web-app.

Setting Up

  1. git clone https://github.com/DTailor/tunely.git
  2. virtualenv tunely_env
  3. source tunely_env/bin/activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. cp tunely/sample_local_settings.py tunely/local_settings.py
  6. fill the data in local_settings.py file
  7. chmod +x manage.py
  8. run ./manage.py syncdb
  9. run ./migrate tune_gazer
  10. Add a sample station
  11. ./manage.py runserver
  12. access localhost:8000

P.S. You can create a local_settings.py file and activate debug mode by overriding the original settings.

Running Tests

  1. mkdir tune_gazer/fixtures
  2. python manage.py dumpdata tune_gazer > tune_gazer/fixtures/test_fixture.json
  3. python manage.py test tune_gazer




Language:CSS 72.6%Language:JavaScript 14.7%Language:Python 12.6%