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Carbon API

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Carbon API

Welcome to the Carbon DLS API. The documentation here will help you get started integrating with our API. Before you begin, make sure you've reached out to your Carbon Technical Partner and signed all the required documents.

Getting Started

We are excited for you to start using Carbon's API, but there are a few things you should keep in mind as you start integrating with us.

  1. Our API is still in Early Access, so please be patient as we add more functionality. Feel free to share your feedback.
  2. We have prioritized developing functionality for mass customized parts of similar geometry. At this time, we cannot guarantee that utilizing our part order / packing system will work for other applications.
  3. Currently, we are only providing examples in python but our REST API itself is language agnostic.

The documentation is intended to help you get started and provide some examples, but detailed documentation about each request can be found at https://api.carbon3d.com/v1/api-docs/#/.


The Carbon API uses a JWT token to authenticate each request. Follow these steps to get started.

  1. Generate an API Key here* by clicking the "Create API Key" button. This will automatically download a secrets.json file; your client secret is NOT stored by Carbon.
  2. You can now use the authenticate-create.py script to generate a valid token with your desired expiration. You can re-generate as many tokens as you'd like with new expirations utilizing the same secret. For example, to generate a token that is valid for 24 hours you could run:
    v1/python/examples/authtoken-create.py path/to/secret.json --exp_hours 24
  3. You must now add an HTTP header Authorization: Bearer [token] in all of your requests.

*If you can't access this page, please reach out to your Carbon Technical Partner to discuss gaining access to our Early Access Program.


Models: A file representing a three-dimensional geometry with no particular orientation, supports, etc. Models can belong to multiple parts.

Parts: A printable model design which includes DLS-specific data, such as a specific orientation, resin, etc.

Printed Parts: A specific instance of a part that has been printed and properly serialized.

Part Orders: A logical grouping of parts you would like to be auto packed on as few builds as possible.

Print Orders: A single build that you would like to queue N times on M printers.

Builds: A printable set of parts arranged on a build platform ready for printing.



Read more about our Python examples here

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an application id?

You can think of an Application as a shareable folder for models, parts, projects, etc. that are related to each other. You might have one Application for a running shoe midsole you are working on and another Application for face shields. Functionality to share and manage your applications hasn't been exposed yet, so if you think you want to change how your applications are set up please reach out to your Carbon Technical Partner.

What's the difference between a model and a part?

Models can't be printed; they just represent three-dimensional shapes that can be used in a variety of parts. For example, you could have a model for an iPhone case that is used in 2 parts, one that is printed in EPU 41 and another in UMA 90.

What's the difference between a project and a build?

A project is a collection of builds that have been modified over time. For example, let's say you open our project editing software, upload 10 models, then click print. Afterwards, you realize you want to change the orientation of a few of the models so you open the project again, modify the orientation, and click print. You printed the same project but two different builds.

How can I queue a build?

You can use the createPrintOrder API method.

Why can't I see my models, orders, etc. in the UI.

Please let us know if you'd like to see these concepts exposed in our UI.

What is a part number?

Part numbers are a common term used in manufacturing to denote a reference to a particular part design. Each company chooses their own conventions for assigning part numbers, but generally a single part number is capable of having multiple versions or revisions. It is important to understand that a part number identifies a part design, whereas a serial numbers is a unique identifier for a particular instantiation of that part design.

Are there any API calls that allow me to interact with the printer (e.g. start a print, open the door, etc)?

This API is not intended to facilitate robotic automation for a printer. If this is something you need, please let your Carbon Technical Partner know.

Can you add ____ to the print data we are able to export?

We would love to hear from you; please submit the request via api-list@carbon3d.com


Please send all questions and feedback to api-list@carbon3d.com


Carbon API


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%