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qpAdm - "pop: ??? has sample size 1 and inbreed set" error message

kimgeng5512 opened this issue · comments

I have some problem with qpAdm problem, so I need your help.
Please read this and answer me.

I got this error message after trying to running qpAdm
this says that "pop: Fun23 has sample size 1 and inbreed set / Aborted (core dumped)"
maybe this means that there is a problem that some groups has only one individual,
but I think that we can run qpAdm although there are small amount of data.

This error message only comes when I set the parameter "allsnps: Yes"
(if I set the parameter "allsnps: No", then the program runs smoothly with no problem)

What's the matter with my file?
I need your help.

I'm facing the same issue.
Was this resolved?

Hi, I am running into the same issue.
with allsnps: NO is running well, but I want to use the allsnps: Yes option. Any idea?