DRACOyu / cifr10


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Paper keypoints

  1. the effect of the convolutional network depth on its accuracy in the large-scale image recognition setting

  2. using an architecture with very small (3 X 3) convolution filters, with stride 1

  3. max-pooling is performed over a 2 × 2 pixel window, with stride 2

  4. conv + 3 fully-connected layers (number of FC neurons: 4096 > 4096 > n_classes)

  5. learning rate decay, parameter initializaiton from pre-trained models, etc. training:

  6. load pre-trained parameters (trained on ImageNet dataset, 1000 classes), you can download the parameter file (vgg16.npy, about 500M) here: https://mega.nz/#!YU1FWJrA!O1ywiCS2IiOlUCtCpI6HTJOMrneN-Qdv3ywQP5poecM

  7. For Chinese users, I put the pre-trained parameter file (about 500M) on baidu: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLGzull

  8. Remove the final layer, add one layer with 10 nodes to test the CIFAR10 dataset(binary version). https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html

  9. It took me around one hour to train with 15000 training steps and learning rate is 0.01. The testing accuracy on the CIFAR10 test dataset is about 85.69%.




Language:Python 100.0%