DOI-ONRR / onrr-innovation-blog

A blog about open data and user-centered design and development at the Department of the Interior

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A blog from the Innovation Design Team at the Department of the Interior

Our team works on Natural Resources Revenue Data, an open data site about how the government manages federal energy and mineral resources, revenue, and disbursements.

We built this blog with GatsbyJS using the gatsby-starter-blog.

We use this blog to share our user-centered design and development process.

We've archived this repository, as we've migrated the blog into the doi-extractives-data repository.


A blog about open data and user-centered design and development at the Department of the Interior

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 90.1%Language:CSS 9.9%