DMW2151 / building-on-dok8s

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This repo is for learning managed K8s on Digital Ocean as part of the Digital Ocean K8s Challenege. I'm quite new to K8s, and to get up to speed I'll be working through Digital Ocean's K8s Developer Starter and referencing other resources as needed.

The goal is to deploy a scalable NoSQL database (I'll be using Redis) within K8s, but I'd also like to try to deploy a trivial application to interact with Redis and get some basic observability into the performance of the Redis cluster and the K8s cluster as a whole. This will involve building out a cluster with the following resources:

  • A multi-node, highly available Redis cluster
  • A build pipeline (or at least some Terraform to spin up the K8s cluster)
  • Core API Service to communicate w. Redis
  • Logging services (e.g Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki)

This document will cover the first of those bullets (and maybe the second). I have supplemental deployment notes that will cover the remaining bullets.

Provisioning Digital Ocean K8s with Terraform

I'm a big fan of Terraform and will use it to manage the core infrastructure of the K8s cluster. I'm using a DO spaces backend to store my state file. As much as I love spinning up every resource with Terraform, the DO Space to initialize Terraform's state (obviously) must be an exception. Initializing Terraform with DO Spaces was not too difficult as Spaces is S3 compatible.

I initialize the Terraform backend and provision a K8s cluster in a newly-created VPC on DO with the following commands and variables.

terraform init \
  -input=false \

terraform apply \
  -var-file k8s_cluster.tfvars
# backend.tfvars
bucket                      = DIGITALOCEAN__TF_SPACES
endpoint                    = "https://${DIGITALOCEAN__REGION}"
key                         = "terraform.tfstate"
region                      = "us-east-1" # Dummy AWS region to keep the s3 backend happy...
access_key                  = DIGITALOCEAN__TF_SPACES_KEY
secret_key                  = DIGITALOCEAN__TF_SPACES_SECRET
skip_credentials_validation = true
skip_metadata_api_check     = true

The full list of modules, variables, outputs, and resources provisioned by Terraform are available within the Terraform Readme. For those who are interested, these are auto-generated via the terraform-docs utility.

The plan runs in about 6-8 min and once it finished, I configured my local machine to use the context for the newly provisioned cluster.

export DIGITALOCEAN__CLUSTER_ID=`(terraform output cluster-id | cut -d':' -f3 | sed 's/\"//g')`
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save $DIGITALOCEAN__CLUSTER_ID

Deploying Redis Into Our New K8s Cluster

Redis is an open source in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

For this deployment, I want to make sure that the service is highly available and that data is replicated between instances. I'll make a few choices when deploying the bitnami Redis Sentinel Helm chart which I'll highlight as I go.

Configuring Redis

High Availability

Using the Helm Chart from Bitnami as a starting point, I looked to improve cluster availability, persistence, logging, and monitoring.

To allow for high-availability, I enabled a basic Sentinel configuration. Under this configuration, each pod runs a Sentinel (S) container and a Redis (R) container, with one of the pods acting as a master node (M) that replicates all writes to the other nodes.

# Basic Sentinel Deployment - configuration: quorum = 2

       | M1 | <----- Write
       | S1 | <----- Read
          | Replication
+----+    ↓    +----+
| R2 |<---+--->| R3 |  <--X-- Write
| S2 |         | S3 |  <----- Read
+----+         +----+
# redis-values-production.yaml

  ## @param sentinel.enabled Use Redis&trade; Sentinel on Redis&trade; pods.
  enabled: True

Data Persistance

While Redis is traditionally used as an in-memory cache or messaging bus, Redis offers two persistence models. More about these models is available here.

  1. Append Only File (AOF) - Under this model, each incoming transaction (sorta) is written to the cluster and an append-only file on disk. In the event of a failure, no data is lost, but AOF can slow the cluster during times of high load.

  2. Redis DB (RDB) - Under this model, the entire DB is dumped to storage every K writes or N seconds. In the event of a failure, data since the last RDB dump will be lost.

For the sake of argument, let's assume our application data cannot tolerate a few minutes of data loss (e.g. RDB only). I enable both mode with the following options.

# redis-values-production.yaml

# Enable AOF and RDB persistence See syntax for RDB dump frequency at links below:
#   -
#   -
commonConfiguration: |-
  appendonly yes
  save 3600 1
  save 300 100
  save 60 10000

Metrics and Monitoring

In logging deployment notes, I'll discuss scraping metrics from a Redis Prometheus exporter and configuring them to send to Grafana. For the time being, I'll ignore any nuance here and just enable metrics. Done!

# redis-values-production.yaml

## @param metrics.enabled Start a sidecar prometheus exporter to expose Redis&trade; metrics
  enabled: True

Deploying Redis

Finally, let's deploy the Helm chart with the following helm repo add and helm install commands.


helm repo add bitnami

# Note that `helm upgrade` requires slightly different parameters
helm install redis bitnami/redis \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace redis \
  --set auth.password=$REDIS_PASSWORD \
  --values ./manifests/redis/redis-values-production.yaml

A few minutes after a successful deployment, I can verify that all expected services, statefulsets, and pods are up and running.

# Check all resources in namespace
kubectl get all -n redis

pod/redis-node-0   3/3     Running   0          50m
pod/redis-node-1   3/3     Running   0          51m
pod/redis-node-2   3/3     Running   0          52m

NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)              AGE
service/redis            ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP,26379/TCP   4h48m
service/redis-headless   ClusterIP   None             <none>        6379/TCP,26379/TCP   4h48m
service/redis-metrics    ClusterIP     <none>        9121/TCP             3h43m

NAME                          READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/redis-node   3/3     4h48m

# Confirm each pod/redis-node-* has 3 containers (metrics exporter, sentinel, redis)
kubectl get pods -n redis redis-node-0 -o yaml | grep -E 'image:' | sort | uniq -


Testing Redis Data Replication

The next step I'd like to take to confirm that my deployment went properly is to check the following properties regarding data persistence and replication. I expect each of the following to be true:

  1. The master node allows writes and replicates that information to slave nodes
  2. The slave nodes disallow writes
  3. Redis' AOF and RDB files are present at /data

I strongly suspect that redis-node-0 will start as our master node. I'll kubectl exec into this pod and use the redis-cli to confirm this.

export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)

# Check `INFO replication` on redis-node-0; confirm redis-node-1 and redis-node-2 listed as connected
kubectl exec \
  --stdin \
  --tty \
  --container redis \
  --namespace redis \
  redis-node-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'export REDISCLI_AUTH=$REDIS_PASSWORD; redis-cli -c INFO replication'

# Confirmed! INFO returns `role:master`

Beautiful, I can now use the same pattern as above, changing only the redis-cli command, to run additional tests.

# On `redis-node-0`; set a key to confirm the master can execute writes.
SET foo bar EX 3600
# On `redis-node-1` (or any node except the current master, `redis-node-0`), confirm that no other node can receive writes.
SET foo bar EX 3600
"(error) READONLY You can't write against a read only replica."
# On `redis-node-1` (or any node, including the current master, `redis-node-0`), check the key we just set is present 
GET foo

# ... and ticking closer to expiration
TTL foo
(integer) 3479

Finally, I'd like to check persistance. To do this, I exec into the same pod with /bin/sh instead of the redis-cli and check the contents of the /data folder. If see both an *.aof file and a *.rdb file, I can be confident both are running as expected.

# I came back 3 days later to confirm this -> notice the relative sizes of AOF and RDB, AOF is 1000x RDB because my test application has a small number of keys, but (relatively) frequent writes/key
ls -lh /data

-rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 19M Dec 27 19:15 appendonly.aof
-rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 27K Dec 27 19:11 dump.rdb
drwxrws--- 2 root 1001 16K Dec 25 18:26 lost+found

Testing Metrics Export

To confirm that there's a metrics exporter running, I'll port-forward 9121 of svc/redis-metrics to my local machine and tail the /metrics endpoint to show the redis_uptime_in_seconds metric.

# Port forward `svc/redis-metrics` (i.e. the metrics exporter) -> localhost
kubectl port-forward \
  --namespace redis \
  svc/redis-metrics 9121:9121
# Check a metric, in this case `redis_uptime_in_seconds`
curl --silent -XGET http://localhost:9121/metrics | tail -n 1
redis_uptime_in_seconds 5586

# /metrics endpoint should update at least every few seconds, expect `redis_uptime_in_seconds` higher on second call...
curl --silent -XGET http://localhost:9121/metrics | tail -n 1
redis_uptime_in_seconds 5692

Looks good to me! We'll really test this out later when I configure Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki.

Testing Sentinel FailOver

Finally, I'd like to test cluster failover with Sentinel by killing the current master node. There may be a more elegant way to do this, but nothing makes as much sense to me as a very blunt kubectl delete!

# Kill the current master-node...
kubectl delete pod redis-node-0 \
  --namespace redis

Several moments later, I check the status of the pods. I can see that a new pod has just started in the namespace, replacing the old redis-node-0.

kubectl get pods \
  --namespace redis
redis-node-0   1/3     Running   0          23s
redis-node-1   3/3     Running   0          22m
redis-node-2   3/3     Running   0          23m

Using the same INFO replication command from earlier, I check the replication status of the just-restarted redis-node-0 and find the following:

# INFO returned `master_host:redis-node-1`

Excellent, this suggests that our "new" node has joined the cluster as a slave of redis-node-1.redis-headless.redis.svc.cluster.local. Just as writes were initially restricted to redis-node-0, I'd now expect writes to be restricted to redis-node-1.


From my perspective, this is a great starting point for learning K8s. For the purposes of the Digital Ocean K8s Challenge, this is where I'll end. As I mentioned earlier, I'd like to build logging, monitoring, and a simple application on top of this Redis cluster. I'm sure that will reveal some flaws in this configuration and allow me to improve this deployment further.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 58.7%Language:HCL 36.3%Language:Dockerfile 5.0%