DDRDmakar / Arg_parser_cpp

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Arg_parser class

This class is designed for parsing command-line string from user.
Warning!!! This code works with solid string, not with arguments-array (argv**).

You can create Arg_parser object and put string with command in it's constructor.
Arg_parser parser("-day 22 -month April");

Syntax of arguments-line is provided not in "canonical" UNIX argument-line style, but has some features.

Arg_parser supports 3 types of data:

  1. Unnamed arguments
            This is just any string without name.
            For example: "April" is unnamed argument.
  2. Named arguments
            This is string parameter, which has unique name.
            Name of argument (key) starts with single minus (-).
            For example: "-month April" is named argument.
  3. Named arrays
            This is sequence of strings, which has unique name.
            Name of array (key) starts with double minus (--)
            For example: "--months March April May June" is array of strings.

Parser also supports escaping characters:
        quotes: (\') and (\")
        newline character: (\n)
        Backslash: (\\)
        And space: (\ )

        (Inside single quotes escape-characters are ignored).

Arguments are separated with spaces.
If you need string, which includes spaces, you can put
it into double-quotes ( " - supports escaping)
or in single-quotes ( ' - without escaping)

You also can combine different types in one string.

        Arguments line is:
        arg1 arg2 arg\ 3 -key1 'Value 1' arg4 -Key2 "Value 2" -singlequotes 'one newline1 ->
        two, double quote """' -doublequotes "double quote \" newline2 ->\n++" --some_array oc
        toc perevertoc 'A B C D' -key3 value3 πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    Arguments line will be parsed this way:

        All arguments:
                arg 3
                Value 1
                Value 2
                one newline1 ->
            two, double quote """
                double quote " newline2 ->
                A B C D
        Unnamed arguments:
                arg 3
        Named arguments:
                key1 => Value 1
                Key2 => Value 2
                doublequotes => double quote " newline2 ->
                key3 => value3
                singlequotes => one newline1 ->
            two, double quote """
        Named arrays:
                some_array =>
                                A B C D



Language:C++ 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%