DCS-Skunkworks / DCSFlightpanels-Profiles

Profiles for DCSFlightpanels

Repository from Github https://github.comDCS-Skunkworks/DCSFlightpanels-ProfilesRepository from Github https://github.comDCS-Skunkworks/DCSFlightpanels-Profiles


Collection of DCS WORLD Profiles for DCSFlightpanels


Put these files in a Folder and open it in DCSFlightpanels.

Before use, open the files with a text editor and change PanelInstanceID= to your IDs

  1. start dcsfp.exe

  2. open a profile and close the announcement (The XXX Panel with ID xyzxyzxyz cannot found)

  3. execute the ID button to copy the id no. to clipboard

  4. open the profile (*.bindings file) in Notepad, Notepad++,…​

  5. paste the contents of the clipboard to here : PanelInstanceID=\\?\xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxy

  6. that will change the ID of the USB address for the panel to that of your panel



Profiles for DCSFlightpanels