This GUI/set of scripts is based on some classes written by @gandy92 here:
I have added to his work by designing a small GUI, adding some more functions for reading/editing spools, and for automatically looking up materials from the Ultimaker Cura slicer.
A computer running Windows, Mac or Linux based machine (including Raspberry Pi) ACR122U SmartCard reader. (Usually available on Amazon and eBay. Other readers may work, but we not tested)
Place a NTAG216 compatible tag (also referred to as a MIFARE Ultralight tag) on the reader.
Use the 'Read Tag' button to read the material on a tag, and the 'Write Tag' button to write the selected material to a tag.
Note: You can also overwrite used UM spools. The ACR122U will beep once complete.
See: for more information/its purpose.
Extract the python scripts to a folder of your choice and open a Terminal/PowerShell/CMD window in this folder.
Install dependencies with the following command:
pip3 install PyQt5 numpy pyscard crc8 ndef nfcpy
Plug in your smartcard reader (if you do not do this first, you may get an error)
Run the following command to launch:
- From the same folder...
Install pyinstaller
Run the following command:
pyinstaller.exe --onefile --windowed --icon=.\icon.ico --add-data="icon.ico;." --add-data="gui.ui;." .\