D3xter1922 / Web3Lending

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DeFi Borrowing and Lending Application Deployed here


This is a decentralized finance (DeFi) application for borrowing and lending digital assets. Built on top of Ethereum, the platform aims to provide users with a seamless and trustless borrowing and lending experience. Utilizing smart contracts, the application lets users deposit assets to earn interest or borrow assets for a specified period.


  • Borrow digital assets
  • Lend digital assets to earn interest
  • Liquidation of unhealthy loans
  • Governance for updating system parameters


Quick Start

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/D3xter1922/Web3Lending.git
    cd Web3Lending
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory

    cd contrat
  3. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  4. Compile Smart Contracts

    npx hardhat compile

    Go to contract/artifacts/contract and copy the ABIs of each contract, and paste them in client/App.js

  5. Run Local Blockchain Network

    npx hardhat node

    This will start a local Ethereum network for development purposes. Keep this terminal window open.

  6. Deploy Smart Contracts

    Open a new terminal window and navigate to the project directory.

    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

    This will deploy your contracts to your local Ethereum network. Copy the addresses of each of these contracts from the console and paste in client/App.js

  7. Connect MetaMask to Local Network

    Open your MetaMask browser extension and add a custom RPC with the following details:

    Then, import the accounts provided by Hardhat into MetaMask to interact with the deployed contracts.

  8. Run Frontend

    From the root directory,

    cd frontend
    npm install
    npm start

    Now you should be able to interact with the DeFi borrowing and lending application through the frontend interface.


  • Smart Contract Architecture

  • This contract enables users to lend, borrow, payback and withdraw CASH. For borrowing, the player must have enough GOLD in their wallet as a collateral. The rate of borrowing is fixed as 50% per day and the rate of lending is fixed as 10% per day. Maximum interest is capped at 50% of the principle amount for borrowing and 10% of the principle amount for lending.

  • Future works include:

    1. Implementing default scenario
    2. Implementing a dynamic interest rate system
    3. Allowing more tokens to be borrowed or lent


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


This application is still in development and should not be used for handling real assets. Always exercise caution when interacting with smart contracts in a live environment.

For further questions or issues, please contact



Language:JavaScript 75.4%Language:Solidity 20.6%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:CSS 0.7%