D3RPZ1LLA / strello

Trello clone

Home Page:http://strello.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Clone of the productivity app Trello. Users create "boards" as part of an organization or personally and from there can create "cards" to delegate tasks or notes to other members of the board.

  • Custom SQL to avoid N+1 queries on Card and List reindexing. function per group of alternations to set the new indices of altered models with an array of key value pairs.
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript to maintain single page functionality.
  • Board width resizing to preserve the lists' floating and horizontal scrolling.
  • The response value of a request to add a Board member is a hash of the User and their avatar url as the url is not accessible from the User model rendered to json.

Custom SQL to avoid N+1 Queries; A Unique Solution

This is the Catagory factory method to generate a SQL query that when executed will create a SQL function to UPDATE the catagories's index column with a hash mapping catagory ids to their catagory's new index and then destroy it.

  • Note: list_set is a json object with data which lists have been altered and is of the format

[ {id: value, sort_idx: value}, ... ]

   def self.generate_reorder(list_set, current_user_id)
    function_key = (current_user_id.to_s) + "_" + (SecureRandom::hex 8)
    list_idx = {}
    list_set.values.each do |list_params|
      list_idx[list_params[:id].to_i] = list_params[:sort_idx].to_i
    variables = []
    case_statement = []
    list_idx.keys.each_with_index do |id, idx|
      if ( idx < list_idx.keys.count - 1 || list_idx.keys.count == 1)
        case_statement << "when id = #{id} then #{list_idx[id]}"
        case_statement << "else #{list_idx[id]}"
      variables << "var#{idx}"
      CREATE FUNCTION reorder_#{function_key}( #{ variables.map { |var| var + " integer"}.join(', ') } )
      RETURNS void AS
      UPDATE catagories
      SET sort_idx = (case #{case_statement.join(' ')} end)
      WHERE id IN (#{ variables.join(', ') });
      SELECT reorder_#{function_key}(#{list_idx.keys.map { |id| id.to_s }.join(', ') });
      DROP FUNCTION reorder_#{function_key}(#{variables.map { |var| "integer" }.join(', ') });


Trello clone



Language:Ruby 62.6%Language:JavaScript 27.3%Language:CSS 10.1%