D3Portillo / arbitrum-stylus-starter-c

An starter project to write Smart Contracts using Arbitrum Stylus https://arbitrum.io/stylus SDK in C Lang.

Repository from Github https://github.comD3Portillo/arbitrum-stylus-starter-cRepository from Github https://github.comD3Portillo/arbitrum-stylus-starter-c

Arbitrum Stylus Starter Template for C

Deploy with Vercel


  • Brew (Mac) / Chocolatey (Windows)
  • Docker (Docker Desktop)
  • rust, cargo y rustup
  • LLVM (con wasm-ld): Disponible desde la versión 15 (llvm@15)

Verificar si tenemos wasm-strip instalado

Si no, podemos instalarlo con brew install wabt

Instalando Cargo Stylus

  • fork / git clone de este repositorio
  • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • cargo install cargo-stylus
  • rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown (opcional, solventa un error de target wasm32 not found al hacer make)

Validar entorno de desarollo

  • make para generar el archivo contract.wasm
  • cargo stylus check --wasm-file ./contract.wasm -e https://sepolia-rollup.arbitrum.io/rpc (si tenemos output en verde estamos listos 🚀🚀)


Cuando veamos este error significa que no hemos inicializado los modulos de git. Lo solventamos haciendo git submodule update --init --recursive

Notas para el desarrollador

Register and Storage Slots

Storage slots are pretty similar to registers in 32bit architectures. Since both have:

  1. Fixed Size: Storage slots in Ethereum can hold exactly 32 bytes. Similar to how registers have a fixed size in assembly (e.g., 32-bit, 64-bit).

  2. Direct Addressing: Just as you access a specific register by its identifier (eax, r1), you access storage slots using their indexes: 0x01, 0x02.

  3. Explicit Management: Like assembly programming, developers must explicitly manage how storage slots are allocated and used. Miss assignment of memory/slots can cause data corruption.

Leer más A gentle introduction: Stylus


An starter project to write Smart Contracts using Arbitrum Stylus https://arbitrum.io/stylus SDK in C Lang.


Language:TypeScript 57.6%Language:C 24.7%Language:Rust 11.3%Language:Makefile 5.2%Language:JavaScript 0.6%Language:CSS 0.5%