CyrilFind / mojotest

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Mojo technical test


Since this is a time constrained project with a lot of small geometry problem solving, I decided to work by quickly implementing imperfect solutions that work, adding some tests and then refactoring to make it cleaner

I ran a bit out of time so the refactor is not ideal and the test coverage is not great as well, also because a lot of the code relies on Android framework classes for graphical rendering which I partly abstracted away but not as much as I would like


I have not made a full architecture since the project is fairly small and I was time constrained but I tried to create a simple and usable API, similar to Glide: Templater.get().load(R.raw.json).into(templateView)

Basically you get an instance of Templater that you can use to load a Template (the objects defined in JSON) into a TemplateView

Basic Architecture

In more details:

  • load parses the Json into a Template class that has its own logic to compute a list of Rectangle that are a platform independent representation of a Canvas view
  • then in into, Templater computes those Rectangles back into Android instances like Rect, RectF, Bitmap, ... and gives them to TemplateView
  • TemplateView then draws them on the canvas when it's ready (thanks to a custom setter with postInvalidate())
  • bitmaps are drawn on the canvas with drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dest, paint): src describes the part of the bitmap that is projected and dest is the Rect in which the bitmap is projected
  • The bitmap dragging handling is done inside of TemplateView: onTouch, user inputs modify src to offset the bitmap visible part.

I made a simple ServiceLocator instead of a real Dependency Injection solution because it was enough for a small project

I focused mainly on offloading as much work as possible away from the main thread and from onDraw so that it does only drawing, no allocations, etc

Ideally, I would have wanted to:

  • correctly interface and inject classes to allow full test coverage
  • remove most logic from Template and keep it as a simple data class
  • abstract the fragging logic away from TemplateView
  • extract all the "engine" code into its own module and keep app as just a sample
  • implementing two-finger gestures to scale bitmaps
  • try to implement it in Compose !


  • KotlinX Serialization to parse JSON with a simple syntax
  • Glide to fetch images as Bitmaps easily
  • Kotlin Coroutines for simple async work
  • Picsum to fetch random images



Language:Kotlin 100.0%