CyberFlameGO / VelocityFoundation

A library that helps to transition from Bukkit/BungeeCord and develop Velocity plugins.

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Do you want to learn Java and code highly-customized Minecraft plugins in 20 days (even if you've never coded before)?

VelocityFoundation is a library for fast development of Velocity plugins.

Why use VelocityFoundation?

  • Syntax and classes similar to Bukkit/BungeeCord to help you transition over to Velocity.
  • Focus on simplicity to avoid over-the-top abstractions and complicated names.
  • A simpler command system.
  • A ton of time-saving methods useful for people tired of dealing with abstract/complicated APIs (i.e. Common#tell(Player, String for simple player messaging without the need to use Adventure each time)


  1. Include VelocityFoundation to your Maven/Gradle dependency.
  2. Include velocity-api and lombok to your dependencies.
  3. Relocate VelocityControl and its library nashorn. Here is a snippet for Maven to place inside section. You need to change the shadedPattern to match your own package name.
  1. Make your main plugin class override SimplePlugin and implement the necessary constructor. See the example below for an empty main plugin's class (make sure to change @Plugin info to match your own info).
package org.mineacademy.chatsync;

import java.nio.file.Path;

import org.mineacademy.velocitycontrol.listener.ChatListener;
import org.mineacademy.vfo.command.ReloadCommand;
import org.mineacademy.vfo.plugin.SimplePlugin;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.velocitypowered.api.plugin.Plugin;
import com.velocitypowered.api.plugin.annotation.DataDirectory;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.ProxyServer;

@Plugin(id = "chatsync", name = "ChatSync", version = "1.0.0", authors = { "kangarko" })
public final class ChatSyncPlugin extends SimplePlugin {

	public ChatSyncPlugin(final ProxyServer proxyServer, Logger logger, final @DataDirectory Path dataDirectory) {
		super(proxyServer, logger, dataDirectory);

	// This method is called on server start
	protected void onPluginStart() {

	// This method is called on server stop
	protected void onPluginStop() {

	// This method is called on /chatreload and on the plugin startup, place your event, command and runnable registration here
	protected void onReloadablesStart() {
		//this.registerEvents(new ChatListener());
		//this.registerCommand(new ReloadCommand("chatreload", "chatcontrol.command.reload"));

Licencing Information


Tl;dl: You can do whatever you want as long as you don't claim this library as your own or don't sell or resell parts of it. If you are not a paying student of MineAcademy, you MUST place a link to this GitHub page in your sales pages (for example on Overview pages on Spigot) if your paid software is using Foundation.

  1. If you are a paying student of then you can use, modify and reproduce this library both commercially and non-commercially for yourself, your team or network without attribution.

  2. If you are not a paying student of then you may use this library as stated above however you must clearly attribute that you are using this library in your software by linking to this GitHub page.

In both of the above cases, do not sell or claim any part of this library as your own.

No guarantee - this software is provided AS IS, without any guarantee on its functionality. We made our best efforts to make VelocityFoundation an enterprise-level solution for anyone looking to accelerate his coding however we are not taking any responsibility for the success or failure you achieve using it.


A library that helps to transition from Bukkit/BungeeCord and develop Velocity plugins.


Language:Java 100.0%