Cyb3rghost69 / Talking-Sasquach

Want to make Flipper Animations? This is the place! Also, this is where I store some of my own creations!

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comCyb3rghost69/Talking-SasquachRepository from Github https://github.comCyb3rghost69/Talking-Sasquach


For all of you looking for my procedure on creating Flipper Animations, it can be found here:

The file is updated continuously, so bookmark this page to keep up to date!

Make sure to check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel!! It's full of tutorials for beginner and advanced users and might help you out!!

Support my work and my YouTube Channel at my Patreon!!

Join the Discord!! It's a lot of fon and it's a great and growing community!! Discord_Big_Banner

Check out these other greators on their GitHubs! I wouldn't be here without all the contributions they've made.


Haseo :

stop oxy :


This is the hole in the internet where I post my things. Let me know if you want a commission piece or anything.

This is home of the Talking Sasquach and where I will store the procedure I wrote up for making animations for the Flipper Zero. Keep in mind that this is a living document and is subject to change. You're better off bookmarking this page than trying to download the instructions because in all likelyhood, next time you go to read it, it will be more accurate and easier to follow! PS I reserve the right to be completely wrong in any of the instructions, I don't work for Flipper, so we're figuring things out as much as you are.

SHOUTOUT TO ALL THE ANIMATORS OVER AT RogueMaster Custom Firmware. They are the ones who spent all the time and energy helping me figure this stuff out. Without them, I probably would not have figured things out.


Want to make Flipper Animations? This is the place! Also, this is where I store some of my own creations!


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