CyanMARgh / kscurses

curses "port" on jai

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Curses replacement on jai for my needs. Use at your own risk.

tested on version 0.1.073

setup & build

  1. download extra-containers module
  2. move it to your extra modules folder
  3. specify this foder on top of demos/first.jai
  4. compile first.jai

Currently works only on linux (tested on gnome terminal).

features list

  • character input
  • window resize handle
  • text modifiers (bold, italic, underline, blinking, inverse, strikethrough), color256 support
  • text/background color.
  • arrows, escape key and some
  • saving and restoring the terminal
  • exit with and crtl+C (optional).
  • ui elements (empty, button, text block, selection list)
  • multiple scenes and popups support
  • events (ticks, input, window resize and user-defined events)
  • ui can work both in single-thread mode and multi-thread mode
  • 4 print modes:
    • ks_method : method prints directly terminal
    • t_method : method returns temporary string or string from constant data section
    • b_method : method prints to builder
    • c_method: method prints to canvas

demos list

  • basic print methods, canvas and graphic modes usage
  • video (now uses events and color256 approximation with semi-transparent characters)
  • shorter canvas usage
  • ui : progress bars and extra events handler
  • ui : text buffer, buttons, selection list, groups, scenes
  • ui : popup
  • ui : line input
  • events processing without default ui
  • snake minigame
  • ui : table
  • ui : scalable group and anchors


curses "port" on jai