CuteSC2 / vkd3d-proton

Fork of VKD3D. Development branches for Proton's Direct3D 12 implementation.

Repository from Github https://github.comCuteSC2/vkd3d-protonRepository from Github https://github.comCuteSC2/vkd3d-proton


VKD3D-Proton is a fork of VKD3D, which aims to implement the full Direct3D 12 API on top of Vulkan. The project serves as the development effort for Direct3D 12 support in Proton.


The original project is available at WineHQ.


Performance and compatibility are important targets, at the expense of compatibility with older drivers and systems. Modern Vulkan extensions and features are aggressively made use of to improve performance and compatibility. It is recommended to use the very latest drivers you can get your hands on for the best experience. Backwards compatibility with the vkd3d standalone API is not a goal of this project.

Cloning the repo

To clone the repo you should run:

git clone --recursive

in order to pull in all the submodules which are needed for building.

Building VKD3D


  • wine (for widl) [for native builds]
    • On Windows this may be substituted for Strawberry Perl as it ships widl and is easy to find and install -- although this dependency may be eliminated in the future.
  • Meson build system (at least version 0.51)
  • glslang compiler
  • Mingw-w64 compiler, headers and tools (at least version 7.0) [for cross-builds for d3d12.dll which are default]


The simple way

Inside the VKD3D directory, run:

./ master /your/target/directory --no-package

This will create a folder vkd3d-master in /your/target/directory, which contains both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of VKD3D, which can be set up in the same way as the release versions as noted above.

If you want to build natively (ie. for, pass --native to the build script. This option will make it build using your system's compilers.

In order to preserve the build directories for development, pass --dev-build to the script. This option implies --no-package. After making changes to the source code, you can then do the following to rebuild VKD3D:

# change to build.86 for 32-bit
cd /your/target/directory/build.64
ninja install

Compiling manually (cross for d3d12.dll, default)

# 64-bit build.
meson --cross-file build-win64.txt -Denable_standalone_d3d12=True --buildtype release --prefix /your/vkd3d/directory build.64
cd build.64
ninja install

# 32-bit build
meson --cross-file build-win32.txt -Denable_standalone_d3d12=True  --buildtype release --prefix /your/vkd3d/directory build.86
cd build.86
ninja install

Compiling manually (native)

# 64-bit build.
meson --buildtype release --prefix /your/vkd3d/directory build.64
cd build.64
ninja install

# 32-bit build
meson --cross-file x86-linux-gnu --buildtype release --prefix /your/vkd3d/directory build.86
cd build.86
ninja install

Using VKD3D

VKD3D can be used by projects that target Direct3D 12 as a drop-in replacement at build-time with some modest source modifications.

If VKD3D is available when building Wine, then Wine will use it to support Direct3D 12 applications.

Environment variables

Most of the environment variables used by VKD3D are for debugging purposes. The environment variables are not considered a part of API and might be changed or removed in the future versions of VKD3D.

Some of debug variables are lists of elements. Elements must be separated by commas or semicolons.

  • VKD3D_CONFIG - a list of options that change the behavior of libvkd3d.
    • vk_debug - enables Vulkan debug extensions and loads validation layer.
  • VKD3D_DEBUG - controls the debug level for log messages produced by libvkd3d. Accepts the following values: none, err, fixme, warn, trace.
  • VKD3D_SHADER_DEBUG - controls the debug level for log messages produced by libvkd3d-shader. See VKD3D_DEBUG for accepted values.
  • VKD3D_LOG_FILE - If set, redirects VKD3D_DEBUG logging output to a file instead.
  • VKD3D_VULKAN_DEVICE - a zero-based device index. Use to force the selected Vulkan device.
  • VKD3D_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS - a list of Vulkan extensions that libvkd3d should not use even if available.
  • VKD3D_SHADER_DUMP_PATH - path where shader bytecode is dumped.
  • VKD3D_TEST_DEBUG - enables additional debug messages in tests. Set to 0, 1 or 2.
  • VKD3D_TEST_FILTER - a filter string. Only the tests whose names matches the filter string will be run, e.g. VKD3D_TEST_FILTER=clear_render_target. Useful for debugging or developing new tests.
  • VKD3D_TEST_PLATFORM - can be set to "wine", "windows" or "other". The test platform controls the behavior of todo(), todo_if(), bug_if() and broken() conditions in tests.
  • VKD3D_TEST_BUG - set to 0 to disable bug_if() conditions in tests.
  • VKD3D_PROFILE_PATH - If profiling is enabled in the build, a profiling block is emitted to ${VKD3D_PROFILE_PATH}.${pid}.

CPU profiling (development)

Pass -Denable_profiling=true to Meson to enable a profiled build. With a profiled build, use VKD3D_PROFILE_PATH environment variable. The profiling dumps out a binary blob which can be analyzed with programs/ The profile is a trivial system which records number of iterations and total ticks (ns) spent. It is easy to instrument parts of code you are working on optimizing.


Fork of VKD3D. Development branches for Proton's Direct3D 12 implementation.

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:C 97.1%Language:C++ 2.0%Language:M4 0.4%Language:Meson 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:GLSL 0.0%